As a first note, I will warn that, with a bulletproof vest for those who want me silenced and with the loss of the right to speak, I tell them that each one will have their revenge in their own time and my first condition, before any other belonging, is to be a free man. By giving my opinion on the imbroglio of the “photo with Nuias Silva”, I will obviously be drawing attention to a practice that is not new and that, apparently, insists on muddying our way of doing politics.

Mar 18, 2025 - 16:05
Mar 18, 2025 - 16:10
 0  68
Thus, I also prepare myself for the “customary and customary advisors”, who cook up the narrative of consensus, but who are always the first to throw stones, not knowing whether out of conviction revised downwards or for pay, as there is a lot of disguise around there on account of militancy.
The inquisition surrounding the photos has been the work of the Turks who have penetrated the party in recent years and who have caused so much damage.
One of these days I will bring the trunk of photos to the public square for the enjoyment of this “fandanga troop” who arrogate to themselves the right to judge people’s character by the photos they collect for their fascist inquisition.
As a second note and going back a little, I cannot help but mention some unusual personal events. In São Filipe, at a time when I had high responsibilities in the PAICV, the fandango on duty managed, through a random photo with his friend Luís Pires, to get me to support Luís Pires's "independent candidacy", spreading the word that Júlio Correia was actually supporting a candidacy not officially supported by the PAICV.
No one had any doubts about the authorship of the perfidy created, nor that I was one of the “targets to be shot down”, with insinuations, slander and moral lynchings by certain people.
That photo was one of the first signs that the future did not bode well for the PAICV, in the midst of the Constitutional Democracy regime, which led some of us to bring up the thesis of the internal democratization of the party and that of militants with their citizenship rights intact.
More recently, my friend Felisberto Vieira and I were photographed greeting the Prime Minister of Cape Verde in the United States during a state event. The photograph was taken in a room with hundreds of people and the “PIDESCO service” spread the untruth that we were switching sides to other parties and that the cordiality of Cape Verdean political actors would not be tolerated by the “Alto Cutelo collusion”, a dinosaur that was carelessly created after 2011 and that, once it is an adult dinosaur, becomes a predator of everything and everyone. This was the last straw that made me request my suspension as a PAICV member, due to my obvious inability to deal with this type of political practice.
And the story of photo manipulation did not stop and was used in that presentation of Nuias Silva on the Beach to debase the good name of Commander Pedro Pires, the greatest living reference in my country.
And as a third note, to state that the viper's extension is alive, hidden in its burrow and its venom acts through militant intermediaries.
And what happened with the photo of Nuias Silva in Mindelo is nothing more than an episode in a sad story that needs to be stopped because it involves people who are disgusted with democracy. By not denouncing what is happening, we will be hiding the venomous snake.
By Julio Correia taken from Forcv.com