5th of July: MpD highlights independence as a conquest of the Cape Verdean people and not of specific groups
The parliamentary leader of the Movement for Democracy (MpD), Paulo Veiga, today emphasized the importance of independence as an achievement of the Cape Verdean people, highlighting the continuous efforts to strengthen democracy in the country.

Paulo Veiga began his speech at the solemn session commemorating the 48th anniversary of Cape Verde's Independence, emphasizing that independence was not a gift, but rather an aspiration and a victory won by the people of Cape Verde over a centuries-old journey in search of development , democracy and freedom and recognized the fundamental role of several generations of anonymous Cape Verdeans, poets, writers, journalists, politicians and intellectuals in building the dream of independence.
This parliamentary leader mentioned names such as Eugénio Tavares, Pedro Cardoso, José Lopes, Amílcar Cabral, Baltazar Lopes da Silva, Leitão da Graça and Teixeira de Sousa, among others, who left their mark on Cape Verdean history and contributed to the dream of independence becoming come true.
“We cannot continue to allow political parties to appropriate national emblems to justify a historical legitimacy that they do not have. It is a requirement to respect these symbols and guarantee pluralism. Despite only being born in 1975, I am proud that many valiant members of my party were in the ranks of the struggle for independence in Cape Verde and, later, in the struggle for civil liberties”, he defended.
Veiga emphasized that Cape Verde's independence was a moment of germination of the seeds sown throughout history, which sprouted and came to fruition with morabeza, tears, nostalgia, sweat, morna and poetry. The date of July 5, 1975 marked this historic milestone in the country's journey towards independence.
In addition, Paulo Veiga addressed the importance of strengthening democracy and facing the threats of populism and authoritarianism, emphasizing that citizens' dissatisfaction with the functioning of the democratic system has driven the rise of populism in various parts of the world, including Europe, the Americas and Africa.
Continuing, he highlighted the need to promote greater popular participation and establish solid institutions that guarantee transparency and governance for the common good.
Paulo Veiga praised the government led by Ulisses Correia e Silva for its reforms in regulatory and supervisory institutions, seeking to promote government transparency and combat corruption.
According to Paulo Veiga, the objective is to make public administration free, impartial and independent of party influences, which would position Cape Verde as a pioneering and more competitive country on a global scale.
“There are some signs of populism among us. Today, the notion that being democratic is knowing how to live with all ideas and that all elected officials deserve the same respect is fundamentally wrong: there are political proposals and attitudes that go against the universal declaration of human rights and it is not the fact that there are those who vote on them that makes them acceptable,” he warned.
This parliamentary leader also expressed concern about the emergence of “fake news” and the “loss of credibility” of the traditional media, highlighting the importance of defending the media as the fourth power, capable of following rules and deontology and comparing alternative sources.
Paulo Veiga also quoted the philosopher Karl Popper, emphasizing that politics and science are continuous processes of search, and not discoveries or final arrivals, and highlighting that democracy requires the fight against ideas that go against the principles of human rights, and that Political debates must be conducted with action, mutual respect and the legitimate vote of the people.