July 5: PR concerned about incivility, insecurity and lack of accountability culture

The Head of State showed today, in his speech to the Nation through the special session of the National Assembly alluding to the 5th of July, that he is concerned with the issue of incivility, violence and insecurity that is registered in Cape Verde, despite the gains registered with national independence. José Maria Neves defended that the autonomy and independence of some sensitive areas of the Public Administration would be desirable, at the same time that he suggested, according to attentive observers, in an indirect allusion to the alleged scandal in the management of Environment and Tourism funds, that «the purpose of inspections is to improve the performance of the body inspected, based on a culture of responsibility, without omissions and with clarity of truth”.

Jul 5, 2023 - 15:51
Sep 2, 2023 - 20:00
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July 5: PR concerned about incivility, insecurity and lack of accountability culture
July 5: PR concerned about incivility, insecurity and lack of accountability culture

With the lack of material growth, when we are approaching five decades of independence, the PR considered that it is the counterpoint to the previous five centuries, which were quite painful, and which led to many somber prognoses regarding the future of the young country. But he highlighted that with destiny in his own hands, with the determination that characterizes him, and the iron will to overcome challenges, Cape Verdeans managed to change the shadowy statistics of until then, as these data unquestionably demonstrate: « GDP per capita grew from US$272.2 in 1976 to US$3,122 in 2021, and national poverty dropped from 49.0% in 1989/1990 to 28.1% in 2022. from 63.0% in 1975 to 11.1% in 2021. Life expectancy increased from 63 years in 1975 to 77 years in 2021. Infant mortality fell from 109 per thousand births in 1975 to to 10 per thousand births, in 2022» .

He observed that today's portrait is radically and indisputably different from that of 1975, with obvious gains. « Cape Verde is a medium/low income country that aspires to reach higher levels. We have established a democratic rule of law and implemented local government that works. We have established strong partnerships with the European Union. Essentially, we met the Millennium Development Goals and, despite recent setbacks, namely the pandemic, I believe it will be possible to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals », he listed.

Alert on poverty and incivilities with insecurity

Despite the undeniable achievements referred to with the material growth achieved, the President of the Republic warned of the alarming social picture that currently lives in Cape Verde. He defended that for this growth to be more inclusive and lasting, it will have to have, as a symmetry, a strong spiritual growth . food insecurity in its various aspects and social inequality. Likewise, the finding that 51,654 young people between the ages of 15 and 35 are both unemployed and outside the education or training system is particularly worrying, representing 29.2% of all young people in this age group. This constitutes a matter of great concern, and should deserve all the possible attention of all sovereign bodies, starting with this Chamber of People's Representatives, the competent authorities and civil society, under penalty of potentially harmful future consequences ».

For the nation's highest magistrate, 48 years of independence and 32 years of democracy demand another level of spiritual development. He underlined that, from this point of view, the deficit is huge, so we still have to start a strong growth, as a cultural and mentality issue. « We need other mental habits, other customs, not just a change in the law ».

The PR was, on the other hand, concerned with the issue of incivilities currently experienced in Cape Verde.   “The issue of incivilities is a concern. The destruction of public property is a reality that shames everyone. The disrespect for what is common to all can be seen both on a material and spiritual level. Older people, teachers, neighbors, school and work colleagues, others, after all, have not always been the target of due respect », he stressed.

In view of all this, he warned that it is no coincidence that the levels of violence and insecurity are worrying, particularly in the largest urban centres. « There is a lot to be reviewed to rescue that society of healthy coexistence that we already had in the past. Practices that erode the foundations of good coexistence and the sanity of our society must be eliminated , he stressed».

Partisan administration and culture of transformation

Still in his communication to the nation, the Head of State considered that Public Administration lacks the creation of a culture of radical transformation, in terms of structures, processes, and people. « A culture of impartiality and universality in the provision of public services, eliminating practices of nepotism, friendliness and exchange of favors. Due to the importance of Public Administration, changes become imperative and urgent if we want to be a truly developed country ».

He suggested that Cape Verde needs to adopt, as essential goods, in the management of public resources, the principles of " compliance, transparency, accountability " and responsibility. « Attempts to touch the truth should be avoided, as well as situations that could be perceived as corruption. Society better understands communication that is done clearly and objectively and when statements are not contrary to the truth ", he added.

For José Maria Neves, the more we strive for a Public Administration based on the meritocratic path of its servants, the more we will be contributing to the inclusive growth of Cape Verde. « I reinforce here the idea of not moving away from the purpose of 'doing the right things, and doing things right', at the right time », he reinforced.

According to the PR, the persistence of partisanship in the Public Administration is noticeable which, in addition to being very centralized, with all decisions – even the most commonplace ones – that have to go to the top. « Therefore, it is urgent to rescue the republican values associated with the culture of excellence, merit, altruism and generosity. We have to recover the culture of work and productivity, and pride in doing things well. What is right is the promotion of careers, with recruitment through competition, with people being promoted based on merit and performance. Everyone must feel that they are equal before the law and in everyday life », he advised.

Inspections and culture of responsibility

« At the same time, the autonomy and independence of some sensitive areas of Public Administration would be desirable, namely those of Inspections, State Revenue, Statistics and Civil Service. «It is intended, for example, that the purpose of inspections is to improve the performance of the inspected body, based on a culture of responsibility, without omissions and with clarity of truth. It is hoped that this instrument will not be used as a weapon of political pitch and that, apparently, there are no two weights and two measures », proposed the PR.

« This is how the credibility and legitimacy of reports produced are defended, and their acceptance by all, especially if their publication is timely and not deferred in time. Consistently, practices cannot be based on practices that, in previous circumstances, were opposed or criticized », said JMN, in an indirect allusion to the alleged scandal in the management of the Environment and Tourism funds recently made public.

In the face of all this, José Maria Neves defended the culture of accountability in the country « We encourage the culture of accountability. We all cherish life, which is the most expensive thing. When there is loss of human life, and in the circumstances that have occurred lately, it is necessary to investigate, seek the truth, without omitting or burying it. It will always be a source of disappointment if no one is held accountable and everything stays the same. Fate or bad luck cannot explain everything », he added.

Populism and fragile democracy

The PR made a point of warning that the institutions of the Republic are fragile, demanding care, and that our democracy is still far from being perfect. « We have a long way to go. Especially when we vilify our opponents and install a climate of permanent belligerence, without realizing that we are corroding the institutions themselves».
He considered that democratic culture implies the need for respect for differences. «However, we have witnessed the dispute of protagonisms, without seeking understandings. We want immediate political gains, not consensus, dialogue and understanding between sovereign bodies, between Central and Local Power, between majority and opposition. Finally, we need to democratize democracy a little more

He referred that the erosion of democracy is global, interspersed with a lot of populism and an equal dose of simplism from those who, in this way, intend to solve very complex problems. « Despite the frustrations and some democratic disenchantment, the path is to revitalize it, renew it, perfect it and defend it vehemently, preventing it from sinking. We have to take into account that over time, many forms of government have been tried successively and have not turned out to be good alternatives to democracy ».

Lack of consensus and squeezed civil society

As the PR advanced, Cape Verdean society needs more consensus and understanding, and more respect for differences and opposing opinions. For JMN, politics cannot be a permanent battlefield. “ Unfortunately, in this arena, there has at times been a lack of maturity, a lack of constitutional loyalty and a lack of respect in the political relationship ”.

He reasoned that it is noted, with some concern, that civil society continues to be squeezed between the grips of the party forces. « Citizenship lives castrated and fearful, expressing itself in a shy way. The place of speech has been an almost exclusive stronghold of political power, which predominates overwhelmingly in the areas of social, public and economic activity ».

In the opinion of the PR, civil society is always the bearer of great creative energy, which must be freed and harnessed, so that everyone benefits and, above all, the country.

Celebration of historic dates

Meanwhile, the PR ended its communication to the Nation, speaking of the beginning, this year, of a series of commemorations of important events for the life of Cape Verde and sister countries, namely the 50th anniversary of the murder of Amílcar Cabral.

In November, after remembering the independence of Guinea Bissau in September, the centenary of the birth of Aristides Pereira, the first President of the Republic of Cape Verde, will be remembered.

« In 2024, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April and the Carnation Revolution, which put an end to the dictatorship regime in Portugal and hastened the independence of the remaining Portuguese colonies in Africa. It is also this year that we celebrate the centenary of the birth of Amílcar Cabral. And 2025 will be the year of commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of other independences, namely that of Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe", highlighted the PR, emphasizing that they are dates that link the history of these peoples and nations. Photos: Page of the Presidency of the Republic