Deputy Fernanda Burgo, joins the donation campaign to help young Veronica, who faces mobility problems

Ilha Brava, 22 July 2023 - Deputy Fernanda Burgo, known for her commitment to social causes and in favor of the community, joined the donation campaign to help Veronica, a young woman from the island of Brava who faces mobility difficulties and depends on a wheelchair to move around.

Jul 22, 2023 - 10:08
Sep 2, 2023 - 18:50
 0  34
Deputy Fernanda Burgo, joins the donation campaign to help young Veronica, who faces mobility problems
Deputy Fernanda Burgo, joins the donation campaign to help young Veronica, who faces mobility problems

The campaign, started by the Ze Luis Solidário Foundation, aims to raise funds to provide better treatment conditions for Veronica, looking for solutions outside Brava Island.

Veronica faces daily challenges due to the physical barriers she encounters in her mobility. Deputy Fernanda Burgo's support for the campaign reinforces the importance of joint efforts between the public sector and civil society to help those who face difficulties, particularly when all means of treatment on the island are exhausted.

In her statements, Deputy Fernanda Burgo stated: "It is extremely important to guarantee that all people have equal opportunities and access to the necessary resources to overcome the challenges that life presents to us. By joining this campaign, I hope that we can do the difference in the lives of Veronica and so many others who need support in our community."

Deputy Fernanda Burgo's initiative was received with enthusiasm by the Foundation and by the beneficiary herself, who see in this gesture a genuine demonstration of concern for social and inclusion issues.

Donations to the campaign can be made in several ways, through online contributions, facilitating the participation of people from other islands and the diaspora who wish to help Veronica and her family face the challenges posed by the need to seek treatment outside the island

The young Veronica expressed her gratitude for the campaign and for the support of Deputy Fernanda Burgo, stating that "it is comforting to know that we are not alone and that there are people willing to help us overcome obstacles."

Joining forces on behalf of Veronica is an inspiring example of how solidarity and civic engagement can make a difference in the lives of people facing difficulties. The campaign continues to gain strength and, with the support of Deputy Fernanda Burgo and the community, seeks to transform the reality of Veronica and other individuals in similar situations.