Accusations of Treason: Filú and Júlio Correia Respond to Defamation Campaign on Social Media
Felisberto Vieira, known as Filú, denounced a social media campaign organized by Cape Verdean institutions to label him, along with Júlio Correia, as PAICV traitors after they were photographed greeting the Prime Minister at the Cape Verde Trade Investment Forum. According to FORCV, Filú refutes the accusations and highlights the importance of truth and loyalty in his political career.

Felisberto Vieira, known as Filú, warned about a campaign organized on social media by senior institutions in Cape Verde, which seeks to label him and Júlio Correia as traitors to the PAICV. According to information reported by FORCV, the accusation was motivated by the simple fact that both had participated in the Cape Verde Trade Investment Forum, held on July 2 in Boston, sponsored by the Government of Cape Verde, and had been photographed greeting the Prime Minister of Cape Verde Verde, Ulisses Correia e Silva.
In a note published on social media, Filú expressed his indignation:
"It is shameful the way in which certain people, by the way well located and framed, are making some photographs go viral, in which I, Júlio Correia and Ulisses Correia e Silva, are manipulating their context (which was the Investment Forum or the Festa of National Independence) and sending the subliminal message of 'proof' that Júlio Correia and I are playing the 'MPD game'", stated Filú.
According to what FORCV reported, Filú highlights that the articulated sending of the photographs is accompanied by hateful messages, in an attempt to convey the idea that they betrayed the PAICV. He vehemently refutes such accusations, stating that he has always maintained a path of truth, loyalty and responsibility, and questions the motives behind this defamatory campaign.
Filú also recalls a similar episode that occurred in 2011, when supporters of Aristides Lima's presidential candidacy were labeled "rats" and "traitors" by the then Prime Minister, hurting the PAICV's internal convergence. According to him, these anti-democratic maneuvers continue to prevail, polarizing and inflaming the political debate in Cape Verde.
He ends the note by making it clear that there is no illegality or illegitimacy in being in photographs with members of the Republic at public events. Filú suggests that, if the next political challenge includes a broad social and political pact, refusal of messianic populism, dismantling of ideological Stalinism, more transparency and real governance, he will be willing to return to active politics, always within the limits of the Constitution and with high sense of responsibility and patriotism.