Brava: Edil satisfied with the first meeting with emigrants in Portugal
The mayor of Brava, Francisco Tavares, classified the meeting held on Sunday afternoon with the emigrant community in Portugal as “very participatory and fruitful”.

The mayor of Brava, Francisco Tavares, classified the meeting held on Sunday afternoon with the emigrant community in Portugal as “very participatory and fruitful”.
“It was a moment to explain everything that the city council team has been doing and what is planned to be done until the end of the mandate on the island of Brava”, said the mayor in statements to Inforpress.
According to Francisco Tavares, it was the first time he met with this community, which included the participation of several Braveenses, some who emigrated more than 30 or 40 years ago and others more recently, as well as some who are undergoing medical treatment.
He pointed out that they had the opportunity to ask for clarification on the ongoing studies, the possibility of building a new airport for Brava, as well as on the improvement of health care provision conditions, and ongoing and necessary investments for a best Brava.
During the meeting, the mayor from Brave said that he listed the investments made in the city council team since 2012 and those in the portfolio until the end of 2020.
He took the opportunity to inform them of government projects for the island, with emphasis on the rehabilitation of the sidewalk in the historic center of Nova Sintra, the rehabilitation of the Estrada Nova Sintra to Nossa Senhora do Monte, water desalination and investments in equipment for the center health services, including the acquisition of an ambulance, and the increase in specialty consultations on Brava.
On the improvement of health conditions, the mayor emphasized that the emigrants were “dissatisfied”, taking into account that many Brave residents still have to travel to the island of Fogo or Praia for some specialist consultations, analyzes and physiotherapy.