Municipalities/2020: In pole position Francisco Tavares and Clovis Silva for the chair of the Paços do Concelho

For the election to take place between October and November this year, Brava Island already has two candidates from the two biggest parties in Cape Verde. Francisco Tavares and Clovis Silva, MpD and Paicv respectively.

Jun 14, 2020 - 10:46
Sep 3, 2023 - 05:50
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Municipalities/2020: In pole position Francisco Tavares and Clovis Silva for the chair of the Paços do Concelho
Municipalities/2020: In pole position Francisco Tavares and Clovis Silva for the chair of the Paços do Concelho

For the election to take place between October and November this year, Brava Island already has two candidates from the two biggest parties in Cape Verde. Francisco Tavares and Clovis Silva, MpD and Paicv respectively.

Francisco Tavares is the candidate chosen by the MpD, based on polls carried out, according to the rules dictated by the Statutes of that political party of the liberal right.

Replacing President Orlando Balla who resigned in 2017, Tavares took office as mayor in 2018 and since then has been implementing the program approved by the Municipal Assembly, under the management of then President Balla.

In his baptism of fire, Francisco will have the task of convincing the voters in Brave that, although he arrived at the chair of the presidency indirectly, as he was councilor, he has the conditions to lead the island, in times that are likely to be difficult. In his favor, he has been leading the island for just over two years.

D on the other side of Trench is Clovis Silva. An experienced politician, «Clovis Isildo Silva», as he is also called, knows the lands of the poet Eugénio Tavares well, where he spent his childhood, resides and has a lawyer's office since 2004. With a strong social intervention through various civil society organizations, Clovis is a seasoned politician, who is at the forefront of political debates in the Cape Verdean parliament, where he has held various positions of responsibility, with emphasis on the chairman of the Commission Specialized in Legal Affairs, Human Rights and Social Communication.

Betting on the binomial renewal and experience, the largest opposition party already has a candidate with a new political project to run and govern Brava, should he be elected. This is Clovis Isildo Barbosa de Lomba Silva, a law graduate and deputy of the nation for the same island. Clovis already has the strong support of the regional structure and the national leadership of Janira Hopffer Almada.

With the data already released, it will be up to the population of Brava, after hearing proposals from both sides, to decide what will best serve the island in the next two years.