Praia: Professor Paulo Duarte, much loved in the community of Vila Nova, died
Physical education teacher Paulo Duarte, a beloved and well-known figure in the Vila Nova community, where he lived in the Moinho area, died today in Praia. Paulo Duarte was a physical education teacher at Liceu Domingos Ramos and also an activist for social causes, in addition to dedicating himself to music.

Physical education teacher Paulo Duarte, a beloved and well-known figure in the Vila Nova community, where he lived in the Moinho area, died today in Praia. Paulo Duarte was a physical education teacher at Liceu Domingos Ramos and also an activist for social causes, in addition to dedicating himself to music.
The community of Vila Nova, in the city of Praia, is mourning the death of professor Paulo Duarte, who taught physical education at Liceu Domingos Ramos. According to residents interviewed by A NAÇÃO online, he was a “very dear” person and his departure left the community “very sad”. The news took the community by surprise.
As we were able to ascertain, Paulo Duarte was found dead, inside the house, the causes of which have yet to be confirmed.
On social media, there are countless messages of condolence in honor of the man who is described as a man with a “big heart” and “a very dear person among his friends”.
In addition to being a teacher, Paulo Duarte was also a singer, composer and football coach and “very popular” in his neighborhood of Vila Nova where he promoted activities in favor of the most disadvantaged.
Siprofis regrets loss
SIPROFIS – Teachers Union of Santiago – has also reacted on its official page on the Facebook social network, showing its solidarity with the family members of Professor Paulo Duarte, “due to his death”, as well as its condolences to his colleagues teachers and the entire educational community at Liceu Domingos Ramos, where he taught.
“Paulo was a teacher, musician, football coach… The man goes and works. Rest in peace, master”, writes this union.