Brava: ACLCC makes a “positive assessment” of the day and a half of work on the island

The president of the Cape Verdean Association for the Fight Against Cancer (ACLCC), Cornélia Pereira, today made a positive assessment of the work carried out in the afternoon of the 29th and 30th, a balance confirmed by the data.

Jul 31, 2023 - 16:05
Sep 2, 2023 - 18:24
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Brava: ACLCC makes a “positive assessment” of the day and a half of work on the island
Brava: ACLCC makes a “positive assessment” of the day and a half of work on the island

Speaking to the press, Cornélia Pereira said that the mission to Brava started in the town of Furna on the afternoon of the 29th, with a screening appointment for breast, uterus and prostate cancer.

On the 30th, they spent the whole day in Vila de Nova Sintra, namely at the Brava Health Department, with a good participation of both men and women, although more women than men, where they assisted people from almost all locations in the region. island, from Cachaço, Baleia, among other distant locations.

The forecast for this campaign on Brava, according to this person in charge, is to serve 300 women, in a campaign that will continue until next Thursday, and so far 140 women have already been assisted in the area of the uterine cervix, 72 in breast palpation, and more than 80 men.

In order to achieve the results outlined, he informed that the police station team will continue with the screenings, especially of the cervix and breast, and the results will then be forwarded to the ACLCC.

From the results already obtained, Cornélia Pereira showed that the team was satisfied with the mission, praising the efforts of the team's volunteers and professionals from the Brava Health Department.

The person in charge announced that the idea is to reduce the time of these missions to the island and in the next one, the challenge that the team has ahead is to decentralize, that is, instead of staying in the City of Nova Sintra, try to at least work in Nossa Senhora do Monte and cover all areas and surroundings of this parish.

Cornélia Pereira took the opportunity to thank not only the members of the team and the Health Department for their engagement, but also other partners such as the city council, the National Program for the Prevention and Control of Cancer, the United Nations, CV Telecom, among others.

As for a forecast for sending the answers, the person in charge pointed out that this will depend on the demands of the laboratories, thus predicting a period that comprises between one and two months for those of the uterine cervix, stressing that the PSA exam can be faster.

In turn, Benvindo Lopes, urologist, reminded society that there is a popular saying that says "prevention is better than cure", taking the opportunity to remind the people of Brave that "prevention is the key to success for the health of any individual" .

And, this prevention, as shown, starts from healthy living habits and regular health check-ups, reinforcing that at all stages of life people must be attentive to their health, justifying that “we are a product of what we consume, the way we live and we must always have prevention at the forefront”.

As for prostate cancer itself, he asks men to reduce prejudice in relation to this prevention, stressing that this is done through routine exams, namely, digital rectal examination and PSA, from the age of 40.

"There is some resistance and prejudice globally to carry out these types of tests and in Brava in particular, the problem is also the issue of access to having urologists to carry out tests in order to diagnose the disease in its initial phase", he stressed, asking men to always seek medical services for a check-up, but also that, whenever possible, seek out a specialist.

The mission, which is part of the 16th anniversary of the ACLCC, started on the island of Fogo on the 28th of July, on the 29th and 30th it continued in Brava, on the 2nd and 3rd of August the initiative centers activities in the municipality of Mosteiros and on the 4th and 5th of August, again in São Filipe, with the cervix, breast and prostate aspects, according to the president.

The mission is made up of two urologists and a gynecologist, in addition to the president of the ACLCC, and has the collaboration of health professionals from the four municipalities in the region.