Brava: EMAEI promotes activities with pre-school children to learn about the difficulties faced by the blind
The Multidisciplinary Support Team for Inclusive Education in Brava (EMAEI) carried out an activity today at Jardim Cardeal in Nossa Senhora do Monte, to show the educational community some of the materials and difficulties that blind people face.

Speaking to Inforpress, Edoneia Teixeira, psychologist and coordinator of EMAEI in Brava, explained that World White Cane Day was celebrated on October 15th, however, the team, in partnership with the preschool coordinator, organized this morning an activity as a way of raising awareness among children and society, showing them a little of what the life of a blind person is like, especially when moving around the streets.
According to the same source, the aim is to reactivate commemorative dates linked to inclusive education and also to highlight and show the obstacles faced by blind people, as well as informing them that “they are free to use a white cane and walk normally”.
“This activity aims to raise awareness among children about this date, highlighting the importance of inclusion and sensitivity towards people with visual impairments. The children had the opportunity to move around using a white cane and blindfolded so that they could experience firsthand the difficulties that blind people have in their daily lives”, he said.
As he explained, the white cane is a mobility instrument for individuals with some visual “limitation”, whose function is to provide a safe walk and make them a “little” more independent.
Edoneia Teixeira also highlighted that in some Latin American countries the use of white, green and red canes has already become known.
“The white cane is used by blind people, the green cane is used by those with weak vision and the red cane is used by individuals who have lost their vision. With this differentiation in the colors of the canes, the aim is to create a symbol of recognition between them and society, which is why when we see the color of the cane, we immediately know what difficulty they have”, he explained.
In this sense, she reinforced that it is “fundamental” that people with visual impairment have access to rehabilitation and guidance on the correct and safe use of canes.
World White Cane Day, celebrated on October 15th, is the symbol of independence, freedom and confidence for blind people and was established by the International Federation of the Blind in 1970.
The date aims to recognize the independence of blind and visually impaired people, their full participation in society, as the use of a white cane allows visually impaired people to move freely.