Brava: INE calls for more “patience and adherence” from the population when carrying out the IV Survey on Family Expenses and Income

The controller of the National Statistics Institute (INE), in the IV Survey on Family Expenses and Revenues (IDRF -2022/2023) in Brava, called today for more “adherence, seriousness and patience” on the part of the population in providing information to inquirers.

Oct 6, 2023 - 04:34
Oct 6, 2023 - 04:40
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Brava: INE calls for more “patience and adherence” from the population when carrying out the IV Survey on Family Expenses and Income
Brava: INE calls for more “patience and adherence” from the population when carrying out the IV Survey on Family Expenses and Income

Domingas Gonçalves told journalists that the biggest difficulty that inquirers are having at the moment is the refusal of respondents to collaborate and provide true information, therefore, it appeals to people's “goodwill”, even though it is a “a little bit” survey. invasive of family privacy.”

As he explained, the enumerators are only collecting data that will be used to see the level of poverty in Brava and throughout Cape Verde, so he advises family members not to omit information so that there is no false data and, therefore, harm the household.

“We only collect the data, but INE carries out the processing and presents the results, where the Government can make projects according to the information provided to them”, he explained, highlighting that when data is omitted it harms itself. yourself and to other people.

He took the opportunity to advise families to support and welcome inquirers into their homes during visits, which normally last 15 days, alternately, according to the availability of each member and household.

“We have already been collecting data for nine months, but there are three more months to go,” he declared, informing that at the moment some locations are missing, namely the village, Campo Baixo and João da Noli.

The objective of the IV IDRF is to assess the level of comfort and well-being of Cape Verdean families and is part of the priority statistical operations of the statistical agenda for development from 2022 to 2026 of the regional project for Harmonization of Statistics in West Africa.