Brava: Municipal Assembly approves budget of 295 million escudos for 2023 with votes in favor of the MpD and abstention of the PAICV
The Municipal Assembly of Brava approved today the municipal budget and the plan of activities for 2023, in the amount of 295 million escudos, with favorable votes from the MpD bench and the abstention of the PAICV.

The Municipal Assembly of Brava approved today the municipal budget and the plan of activities for 2023, in the amount of 295 million escudos, with favorable votes from the MpD bench and the abstention of the PAICV.
In justifying the favorable vote of the Movement for Democracy (MpD, in power), João Paulo Silva underlined that this budget has a “huge” social nature, with many novelties and that “it will allow to leverage the development of this small island”.
For his part, the leader of the municipal bench of the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV, opposition), Jorge Reverdes, said that his bench voted abstention, giving the city council executive the benefit of the doubt, giving the city council team room to execute your work, from the point of view that it can be something executable.
This session of the Municipal Assembly was marked by a weak participation of the citizens, and in this sense, the leader of the MpD bench calls for a greater participation of the civil society, justifying that there are issues that the citizens must participate and give their opinion, recognizing that perhaps it is necessary to work on sensitization and awareness among residents about their participation in AM sessions.
The PAICV representative suggested the creation of commissions in charge of making direct invitations to citizens so that they participate in the work of the Municipal Assembly and promote more dissemination sessions.
The mayor of Brava, Francisco Tavares, made a positive assessment of this session, stressing that all the instruments presented to the plenary were approved, and it is now up to the municipality to “roll up its sleeves and renew its strength to carry out the constant activities and projects as much as possible”. of the plan”.
The mayor also informed that the redistribution of responsibilities and the proposal to create a fee for the visit to the Eugénio Tavares House-Museum in the amount of 100$00 to be charged only to adult foreigners, but also the creation of a voluntary contribution box for the visits, taking into account the great request of the visitors for this.
The stipulated budget of 295 million escudos will focus on the areas of infrastructure and social action, justifying that there is still a set of streets to be done, the terrace viewpoint in Lomba Tantum, recovery of local roads and in the social area, mainly in the part of investment in family homes.
There are also interventions in the area of sport, foreseeing the construction of the multipurpose facility in the locality of Palhal and interventions in the Aquiles D´Oliveira Stadium, among other actions.
According to the mayor, the budget still provides for support to the education sector, subsidies for post-secondary training and technical training for young people from Brave, and also some actions to modernize the city council itself.
Finally, he informed that there are also funds for programs and projects in the field of culture.