Brava: Shepherds of Cachaço “revolted” with loss of cattle caused by stray dogs
A group of young breeders from the town of Cachaço, on Brava, came to Inforpress "disgusted" with the "heavy losses" caused by stray dogs that have decimated their animals, their only source of income and livelihood.

A group of young breeders from the town of Cachaço, on Brava, came to Inforpress "disgusted" with the "heavy losses" caused by stray dogs that have decimated their animals, their only source of income and livelihood.
The group's spokesman, João da Graça Mendes, said that they are "faced" with packs of stray dogs that are killing their goats, reinforcing that in that locality they have no other source of income or livelihood, other than raising animals. of animals.
But, for some time now, the young man stressed that the dogs have been attacking the cattle and that they no longer know what to do.
“We went to the City Council and they didn't offer us a solution. We have already come to the police station to inform what we can do, they told us that they cannot do anything either. How are we going to do it?”, questioned the cattle breeder desperately.
According to this young man, in the locality they cannot control these stray dogs because there are not three or four, but a pack.
“The council must take measures because it knows that Cachaço depends on cattle raising. In addition to the drought that plagues our livestock, every day we come across many heads of goats and chickens killed by dogs”, said the spokesperson.
Questioned about this situation, the mayor of Brava, Francisco Tavares, says he regrets this fact, stressing that the group, made up of nine young shepherds, has already “dribbled” and endured their cattle during three years of drought to see all the effort be destroyed by dogs.
“It really is very sad and revolting to see that the irresponsibility of others is bringing harm to those who really want to work and have results”, considered the mayor, stressing that the council has already held dog castration sessions on the island for four years in a row. , but not all citizens with dogs took them for castration.
According to Francisco Tavares, the situation has already been communicated to the Government, adding that measures must be taken with the dogs, but for the moment, he advanced that an awareness campaign will be carried out in the light of the municipal posture code, which now fines the owner of the dogs. found on the street and when there is damage to breeders, when identified, they must be held responsible for the damage caused.
Due to these situations, the mayor appeals to people not to breed dogs if they are unable to do so.