Brava students can have access to the Agroforestry Engineering course

Taking into account the progressive reduction of the technical capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (MAA) in terms of human resources, motivated, among other aspects, by the progressive reform of existing staff and the failure to replace them at the desired pace, the MAA has been working with UNI-CV in setting up and financing an Agroforestry Engineering course that will last 4 years and should begin in the second semester of this academic year 2023/2024 (March).

Jan 9, 2024 - 15:53
Jan 9, 2024 - 16:00
 0  299
Brava students can have access to the Agroforestry Engineering course
Brava students can have access to the Agroforestry Engineering course
The course will have the overall objective of training professionals with the skills to act in a systemic and entrepreneurial manner on issues relating to new technologies and processes of agricultural and forestry production, as well as in the planning and management of natural resources associated with agriculture and forestry, paying attention to diversity rural, environmental and socio-productive aspects of contemporary rural areas, environmental dynamics and the guarantee of food and nutritional security.
Its target audience will be graduates with a 12th year of schooling, preferably in the area of Science and Technology or equivalent; holders of Higher Professional Studies Courses in engineering, agriculture and environment or related areas; Individuals, aged 25 and over, with capacity and skills proven through a specific test.
CORE SUBJECTS: A: Portuguese / Communication and Expression; B: Mathematics, Biology, Physics / Physical Chemistry or Chemistry.
The MAA will finance 30 subsidies, worth 15,000 ECV, intended to cover tuition costs (9,000 ECV) and 6,000 ECV for accommodation in UNI-CV residences.
As an exit profile, the aim is to have Agroforestry Engineering professionals with the competence to perform technical and management functions in companies in the agricultural and forestry sector, production of plant material (greenhouses and nurseries), technical assistance to farmers' associations and cooperatives, producers forestry, nature protection and rural animation organizations, teaching, scientific research, consultancy, auditing and public administration.
The course is structured with 4 semesters that constitute the common core and another four semesters that will have as an exit profile, graduates in the following three aspects/specialties: i) Agroforestry Production and Management; ii) Plant Protection and Management; iii) Soil and water conservation. The Curricular Plan detailed by semester can be found in the tables below.
A clarification/publicity session of the aforementioned course, in the municipality of Brava, with a team made up of representatives from the MAA and the UNI-CV professor Mr. Francisco de Paula Silva, will take place on January 15th, at 10 am, in the Auditorium of Escola Secundária da Brava in Santana (City of Nova Sintra).