Brava: Waste Management Operational Plan will start with schools

Ilha Brava already has its Waste Management Operational Plan that will indicate the current production of waste and the production scenario that will be found in 2035, a program that will start with schools.

Dec 11, 2019 - 05:59
Sep 3, 2023 - 07:20
 0  45
Brava: Waste Management Operational Plan will start with schools
Brava: Waste Management Operational Plan will start with schools

Ilha Brava already has its Waste Management Operational Plan that will indicate the current production of waste and the production scenario that will be found in 2035, a program that will start with schools.

Domingas Coelho, responsible for the Environment and Sanitation area of the municipality, in statements to Inforpress, explained that this plan was prepared in the light of the Roadmap project for waste in Cape Verde, considering it of “extreme importance” for the island, from the point of view of control and handling of waste.

The same source recalled that there is a dump on the island, but in the open, which does not have great conditions, where the plan already provides for the separation of different types of garbage, which will “benefit” in improving the conditions of the existing dump.

The mayor recalled, however, that for this to work, it is necessary to work on raising awareness among the population, causing them to change their mentality and habits, a process that the official says he is fully aware that it will not be “easy”.

In this sense, he added that they intend to start with schools and if they manage to sensitize children, adolescents and young people, it is already halfway done to reach other classes in the communities.

This plan, he said, makes a diagnosis of everything that is waste management on the island of Brava, from the equipment part, institutional part, human resources, analyzes the issue of tariffs, collection routes, among other aspects.

And it is based on all this diagnosis and updating that was carried out within the scope of the National Strategic Plan for Waste Management (PENGR) that will present the current production of waste on the island and what is expected in terms of production until 2035.

Already based on the analysis of all these socioeconomic data of the municipality, environmental issues, part of the territorial planning, PDM, the plan "proposes measures for the management of residues", from the management model, adequate treatment infrastructures that " guarantee” environmental protection, analyzes the question of tariffs and proposes tariffs for waste management, as a way of guaranteeing environmental and social sustainability.

The plan is already finalized, to be approved by the council and later by the Municipal Assembly and, if there is funding, it is already in a position to be implemented on the island.

This project is funded by the Environmental Fund of the Ministry of the Environment of Portugal, which defines and plans effective waste systems, including the recovery of degraded areas.

