Brava: Autarchy promises to deliver “Mercadinho de Peixe” within two to three months

The mayor of Brava, Francisco Tavares, guaranteed that the “Mercadinho de Peixe” will be delivered to the fishmongers within two to three months, if there are no delays in the transfer of the third installment of the financing.

Jun 23, 2020 - 05:49
Sep 3, 2023 - 05:30
 0  36
Brava: Autarchy promises to deliver “Mercadinho de Peixe” within two to three months
Brava: Autarchy promises to deliver “Mercadinho de Peixe” within two to three months

The mayor of Brava, Francisco Tavares, guaranteed that the “Mercadinho de Peixe” will be delivered to the fishmongers within two to three months, if there are no delays in the transfer of the third installment of the financing.

Speaking to Inforpress, the mayor explained that this work is budgeted at around seven thousand escudos and is financed by the Environment Fund, considering it a “structuring work”.

According to the same source, the work was scheduled to be delivered in June, but there were some delays and then it was stopped even before the state of emergency, decreed due to the covid-19 pandemic and only today, work was resumed with the transfer of the second part of the financing.

If there are no delays in the transfer of the third party, the mayor says he is convinced that within two, a maximum of three months, the "mercadinho" will already be ready and delivered to the population, emphasizing that all that is missing is the coverage, the installation of equipment and some finishes.

With this space, Francisco Tavares advanced that “it brings greater food security in terms of the sale of fish”, as the island will have a space with all the hygienic conditions for both the saleswomen and the users, since the space will be equipped with of two bathrooms.

In addition, he stressed that the market will have permanent water pipes to clean the fish and the entire space itself, it will meet the necessary requirements for the sale of fresh fish and, if fishmongers want to, they can install a freezer for wait for the fish.

But, the mayor stressed that this work should also be seen, within the framework of a project that began in 2012, where they are working to prepare the island and provide it with all the conditions to be presented as a quality tourist destination.

From there, Francisco Tavares explained that everything that has to do with the issue of hygiene, sanitation and the organization of all types of commerce is a “priority” for the city council team.

He recalled that in 2015 the municipal market was inaugurated, in a complex municipal shopping center, where there is space in addition to the normal market for other commercial activities, but there was a lack of adequate space and with all the necessary conditions for the commercialization of fish, which he hopes to see completed shortly.

Since 2018, fishmongers have sought out Inforpress, claiming for better conditions in the fish market, which according to them, due to the lack of these, have been hampered in sales, due to lack of convenience, a place to protect the fish from flies, the sun or from the rain.

Despite these fishmongers, many customers have contested the way in which the fish is exposed to the sun or other designs of nature, fearing that when they buy the product it will not harm their health.

However, heard today by Inforpress, the fishmongers and customers were satisfied with the pace at which the works are taking place, noting that with this space they feel “more dignified” in the profession.

Inforpress took the opportunity to question the fishmongers, if after the remodeling some cost is added if they are willing to pay it or not, they said that as long as it is a fair price they do not hesitate to pay it, because what matters most is a decent space where they can sell conserved fish and keep customers.