Brava: Local authority announces opening of registrations for the 12th edition of the Sport Bootcamp ideas competition

The Brava City Council announced today that registrations are now open for the 12th edition of the Sport Bootcamp ideas competition, promoted by the Cape Verdean Olympic Committee (COC), implemented by WeCare and hosted by the municipality

Feb 28, 2024 - 03:55
Feb 28, 2024 - 04:00
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Brava: Local authority announces opening of registrations for the 12th edition of the Sport Bootcamp ideas competition
Brava: Local authority announces opening of registrations for the 12th edition of the Sport Bootcamp ideas competition

This is a competition that aims to identify innovative products and services that can be adapted to the sports industry, taking into account that it is an emerging market with opportunities to generate scalable profitable projects.

Speaking to inforpress, the councilor responsible for the area of Sports, Mário Soares, informed that this edition takes place from the 4th to the 9th of March, this year, at the local city hall, for which registrations are online and are already taking place via the link https ://

“In terms of Sports, we have been advertising through personalized invitations to clubs and associations of different sports in the municipality. The training lasts 50 hours and in addition you will have mentoring with managers where you will be able to learn about some methodologies and innovation in this sector”, he announced.

In this sense, he said that the course will serve to help in the creation of projects that could be developed in this 12th edition, which will take place on the island, taking into account that the three best ideas will be awarded prizes.

“We call on all sports associations, groups, athletes and football lovers to join en masse in this Sport Bootcamp edition, which has also been taking place in other countries and has now arrived in Cape Verde and, consequently, on Brava Island”, he appealed .

Mário Soares concluded, guaranteeing that the municipality will provide adequate IT equipment, because there will be online trainers who will not be able to be present, but he assured that there will be representatives from Sport Bootcamp who will be on the ground to monitor.