Brava: Brava population "revolted" with frequent butane gas 'stock' rupture
The population of Brava is “disgusted” by the frequent rupture of the gas stock, mainly from Shell, which has been a recurring occurrence on Brava Island since the beginning of 2020.

The population of Brava is “disgusted” by the frequent rupture of the gas stock, mainly from Shell, which has been a recurring occurrence on Brava Island since the beginning of 2020.
This gas shortage has been affecting not only the day-to-day lives of housewives, but has also made it difficult for catering services to function and even some institutions fearing running out of gas before the arrival of this product at Shell.
At the moment, on the island there is only gas from Enacol and there is a forecast for the arrival of a reinforcement of the 'stock' on the next 17th, while in relation to the Shell product it has been more than 20 days since there is no gas and no arrival forecast .
Speaking to Inforpress, Ana Lobo stressed that since the beginning of the year she has been facing constraints with the acquisition of gas from Shell, as she lives in an area far from Vila de Nova Sintra and when gas arrives many times, it is no longer found in the other day.
“We have had a problem with gas because it has been coming in small quantities and when it arrives on the island the stock they send ends quickly”, said the same source, appealing to those entitled to “analyze this situation” because the island “is always the most affected " in this regard.
Also, according to this housewife, what seems strange to her is the itinerary of the Shell boat, which has a scheduled trip to Fogo Island in its agenda, but there are no scheduled trips to Brava before Christmas.
“They make us aware of not accumulating taras at home, but they don't leave us alternatives because when the gas runs dry and there's no 'stock' on the island we have no options for Plan B other than going to firewood”, laments Ana Lobo.
Likewise, Cátia Delgado, responsible for a catering establishment, said that she is a Shell customer and has been facing various difficulties with 'stock', as she wants to follow the example of not accumulating tare at work or at home, but that the company gives them no alternative.
At the moment, he underlined that he only has one bottle in use and if it runs dry, there is nothing to be done, except to cross his arms until Shell receives gas.
“Taking into account the situation that the country is experiencing due to the covid-19 pandemic, we have struggled to keep the few customers we have left, but we often face difficulties that exceed our ability to resolve, such as the lack of gas at Shell”, pointed.
According to this official, either they have to accumulate bottles, or else they have to leave Shell and return to Enacol customers, who satisfy the customers' need for this product more frequently.
Even today, the administrator of the Brava Health Department contacted Inforpress expressing his concern about the stock rupture, as according to him, the station is a Shell customer and every time the gas arrives on the island it fills two taras, but at the moment one is already dry and the other probably won't last this week.
Hence, Ernesto Machado was apprehensive, taking into account the number of patients they have hospitalized and the responsibility they have towards them.
The mayor of Brava, Francisco Tavares, also expressed his concern at the recurring stock out of Shell's gas, calling for a replenishment of the 'stock' of this "basic asset" as soon as possible. .
According to the same source, he has already suffered in the skin with this situation, although as he emphasized, he was able to buy from Enacol, but he recalled that not all Shell customers have flaws from the other company.
Inforpress contacted Vivo Energy Cabo Verde, a company that markets Shell branded products and services in Cape Verde, to request some clarifications, but so far it has not received a response.