Brava: Case of violence in the vicinity of ESET will be handed over to other bodies – Education delegate

The delegate for Education in Brava announced today that the case of violence that took place in the vicinity of Escola Secundária Eugénio Tavares (ESET) will be handed over to the Cabo Verdean Institute for Children and Adolescents and the Public Ministry.

Mar 8, 2023 - 02:48
Sep 3, 2023 - 00:40
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Brava: Case of violence in the vicinity of ESET will be handed over to other bodies – Education delegate
Brava: Case of violence in the vicinity of ESET will be handed over to other bodies – Education delegate

The delegate for Education in Brava announced today that the case of violence that took place in the vicinity of Escola Secundária Eugénio Tavares (ESET) will be handed over to the Cabo Verdean Institute for Children and Adolescents and the Public Ministry.

This announcement was made in statements to the press, where Orlando Burgo explained that it was an “anomaly” that occurred about 50 meters from ESET, involving a student from the 10th grade and three from the 6th grade, around 17:35 on on the 2nd of March, in the last term, according to the information given by the director of the Educational Complex of Nova Sintra (CENS).

According to the same source, on the 3rd, the doorman informed the CENS management about what had happened and they called the Disciplinary Council to analyze the case and take the necessary measures in this context and at school level.

“The Disciplinary Council has already taken its position, within the scope of its competence, it has punished those involved and the process will have to be forwarded to the Cabo Verdean Institute for Children and Adolescents (ICCA) and to the Public Prosecution Service for the appropriate effects”, announced this official, stressing that there are probably measures that should be taken, but that it is no longer up to the CENS itself.

Because, as he justified, the action of the CENS must follow the parameters of the current legislation and in accordance with the internal regulations, with situations that end up exceeding the decision limits of the same.

Orlando Burgo showed that these are “sporadic cases” that happen in a school and that the school board has acted within the parameters of legality.

However, the father of the child who is currently in the city of Praia accompanying his son who was transferred to the Agostinho Neto University Hospital, asked the Ministry of Education to intervene in order to avoid such cases in schools, stating “not to utter any statements for fear of reprisals”.

In this regard, the delegate said he understood the father's "emotion", although he considered that his statement was "unfortunate", justifying that he ended up trying to denigrate the county's education by saying that he did not want to make certain statements due to reprisals.

In this sense, this official said that "if eventually the father of the child who is also a teacher has already suffered some kind of reprisal from education, he must clearly say when, where, how he suffered and why he did not declare it before".

“We try to work in order to do our best for the sake of education on the island and when problems of this nature arise, we must resolve them in the best possible way without threatening institutions and education professionals”, he concluded. the delegate.