Brava: Director of ESET praises the participation of teachers and employees in the national school cleaning day

The director of Escola Secundária Eugénio Tavares (ESET), David Pascoal, today praised the participation of teachers and employees in the national day to clean schools, also guaranteeing that “together we are stronger”

Sep 17, 2023 - 09:36
Sep 17, 2023 - 09:40
 0  130
Brava: Director of ESET praises the participation of teachers and employees in the national school cleaning day
Brava: Director of ESET praises the participation of teachers and employees in the national school cleaning day

The person in charge made these considerations in an interview with Inforpress, highlighting that this “idea” of cleaning on the last Saturday before the start of school activities has been practically official for some time.

“All the teachers in each of the schools are joining forces, together with the employees, to give a small touch-up to what is missing, because sometimes cleaning staff alone is not enough on a day-to-day basis”, he said. .

According to David Pascoal, the connection has been very good in all schools in the two groups, considering the partnership between the Ministry of Education (ME), Biflores association and Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (MAA) “essential”.

“We are all here collaborating in a calm and relaxed atmosphere, this is a clear demonstration that when we join forces we are stronger”, he stated.

In turn, the terrestrial conservation technician of the Biflores association, Carlos Bango, said that the association joined this initiative because schools have been a fundamental partner in disseminating the messages and also because it is in this institution that “we can start to raise awareness people from a young age to have good practices.”

“The beginning of the school year is a milestone to reinforce collaboration between the Biflores organization and education in general, as this is not the first initiative, we had already participated in other campaigns”, he declared.

In this sense, he argued that it is always important for institutions, whether public or private, to join forces so that the academic year starts in the best possible way and that students and other users have a conducive environment to begin their work.

The new school year begins on Monday, the 18th, and as stated by the Education delegate, Vergílio Lopes, around 1606 students from pre-school to secondary education are expected, under the responsibility of 130 teachers distributed between the two groups. , namely Nova Sintra and Nossa Senhora do Monte.