Brava: Emigrant in the Netherlands says he is proud of the changes on the island but that “they are still not enough”

Isaura Vieira is from Brave, an emigrant for 48 years in the Netherlands and who has spent five consecutive years on vacation on the island, pointing out some improvements as the reason for these more frequent visits.

Dec 24, 2019 - 18:04
Sep 3, 2023 - 06:50
 0  38
Brava: Emigrant in the Netherlands says he is proud of the changes on the island but that “they are still not enough”
Brava: Emigrant in the Netherlands says he is proud of the changes on the island but that “they are still not enough”

Isaura Vieira is from Brave, an emigrant for 48 years in the Netherlands and who has spent five consecutive years on vacation on the island, pointing out some improvements as the reason for these more frequent visits.

Speaking to Inforpress, this emigrant revealed that when she emigrated, she spent many years without setting foot on Brava because of “dislikes” she faced on the island.

According to her, before, she used to pass "injury" with the police, clearance of documents, problems with transport, among others.

But, he stressed that in the last five years, he feels "happy" to arrive on the island, to see the investments that have already been made, also highlighting the police development that he has found in terms of "respect for citizens and professionalism", attention given by the medical team at the health station, among other gains.

However, he pointed out that transport problems still prevail, and some constraints that many emigrants face, mainly in the clearance of documents for the purchase or construction of houses.

At the moment, he added that she already owns her house on Brava and lives in Holland on a pension and when she comes to Cape Verde it is to enjoy her holidays and “enjoy” her investment, which does not always go as desired or planned.

“Often there are emigrants who stay here for only two weeks and have documents to clear about their homes, and they can't because the attention here is precarious in this regard”, revealed the same source.

He exemplified that even to cut a tree you have to go around so many times, look for the services of the municipal council countless times, because they always say “come and come back later”.

For this emigrant, this is not a dignified treatment for any citizen and, not wanting to demonstrate “superiority”, she suggested that emigrants be given a certain “facility” in the clearance of documents or dispatches.

Because, he stressed, if an emigrant wants to invest in the island, it is an “added value” for the development of Brava and more labor for local families, in addition to showing a certain affection for the homeland.

“We are no better than anyone else, but when we have to go four or five times to start a process and often without success, we lose the will to invest or visit the island, not least because the weather does not allow us to go around so much. ”, said the emigrant.

He says he hopes that the situation will improve day by day and he added that he has been encouraging his family to visit the island, because it is “better and better” and he dreams of seeing it more developed.

