Brava: Environmental forces meet to discuss implementation plan for sustainable grazing project

The Biflores association will meet, next Monday, the 27th, with the Municipality of Brava and the delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment to discuss the implementation of the sustainable grazing project.

Feb 25, 2023 - 16:42
Sep 3, 2023 - 01:00
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Brava: Environmental forces meet to discuss implementation plan for sustainable grazing project
Brava: Environmental forces meet to discuss implementation plan for sustainable grazing project

The Biflores association will meet, next Monday, the 27th, with the Municipality of Brava and the delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment to discuss the implementation of the sustainable grazing project.

Speaking to Inforpress, Vani Furtado, a Biflores technician, stressed that this meeting will primarily bring together government entities with environmental responsibilities, but that this project implementation plan will also be worked on with creators from all areas and different age groups. .

According to the same source, Biflores does not intend to work on this implementation plan alone, but to involve associations, cooperatives and the creators themselves, as this project will be implemented in this class and in the communities.

Therefore, he explained that they also intend to meet with older breeders, adults and young people, in order to share experiences of how grazing was done in the past, what is being done now and the best strategies to reconcile sustainable grazing in the today, with the environment.

The plan, as he informed, will be elaborated in the month of March and the team that Biflores intends to create must be heterogeneous in order to involve and have the representativeness of all the actors who will benefit and undergo changes in their behavior in relation to to cattle raising.

This sustainable grazing project, according to the technician, intends to work on raising the awareness of cattle breeders in order to avoid the practice of free grazing, giving them the opportunity to learn about the advantages of grazing in a stable, but also, supporting them in acquiring of food for livestock maintenance.
