Brava: Organization of the Nossa Senhora da Graça futsal tournament calls for “more active” sports among young people
The organization of the Nossa Senhora da Graça futsal tournament called for a “more active” sporting practice among young people, towards a “healthier” lifestyle and occupation of free time away from social ills.

Speaking to Inforpress, Gambiano Gomes, promoter of the Esporte Brava page on the Facebook social network and member of the organization of the tournament, informed that it took place from August 5th to 12th in the parish of Nossa Senhora do Monte, and aimed, in addition to moving the parish, pay homage to Mike and Tchalé, two young men who died recently and who left their mark in sport, especially in futsal.
According to the same source, 14 teams participated, eight of which were male seniors, four old glories and two females.
In the men's senior category, the competition was played in the two-group system, all against all, semi-finals and finals, in a tournament that was materialized thanks to the “djunta-mon” (joining hands, in Portuguese) and the goodwill of many people.
He asked society for “greater engagement” in participating in sporting activities and reminded young people that by practicing sports they are more distant from social ills, as it is a way to spend their free time and lead a “healthier” life.
He reinforced that sport is a “primary” way to convey this message to all members of society.
In turn, João da Graça Furtado, father of young Mike, who was attacked on the 4th of June and died in Fogo on the 14th of the same month, revealed “satisfaction” with this initiative, stressing that sport is a way of show young people that there are other paths that are not based on violence.
Matinho's team won the tournament, with Real Tumba winning second place and Campo Baixo third.
The top scorer was Di, from the Campo Baixo team, Drico, from the Matinho team, took the best player trophy and Toni, a Real Tumba player, was the revelation goalkeeper.
At the end, certificates were given to the referees.