Brava: Speaker argues that it is necessary to eliminate extremism in any society that wants to develop

The Luso-Brazilian member of the project and author of the bestseller “Mulheres Extraordinária”, Sofia Lourenço, defended today, in Nova Sintra, Ilha Brava, that it is necessary to eliminate extremism in any society that wants to develop.

Jun 20, 2023 - 04:50
Sep 2, 2023 - 21:10
 0  31
Brava: Speaker argues that it is necessary to eliminate extremism in any society that wants to develop
Brava: Speaker argues that it is necessary to eliminate extremism in any society that wants to develop

The Luso-Brazilian member of the project and author of the bestseller “Mulheres Extraordinária”, Sofia Lourenço, defended today, in Nova Sintra, Ilha Brava, that it is necessary to eliminate extremism in any society that wants to develop.

This message was shared during a lecture that Sofia Lourenço gave at the Brava City Council, and in statements to the press she explained that the objective was to “show that there is no difference between women and men” because, everyone is human beings and if each one accepts its essence, everything works and flows perfectly.

Therefore, he stressed that this conference was also to demystify feminism and sexism, reinforcing that “any of the extremisms are not healthy for a society that wants to evolve”.

“Women are as important as men anywhere in the world, each one in his essence, and each one in his work”, he underlined.

Also at this meeting, she took the opportunity to announce her return to Brava Island next October, accompanied by a group of volunteers from Portugal, for a social and cultural exchange with the people of Brava.

At the end of the activity, a tripartite protocol was signed between the Municipality of Brava, the Mais Lusofonia association and the Professional School of the Conservatory of Castelo Branco in Portugal, within the scope of a cultural exchange and social action.

With this protocol, he informed that they will start to receive in Portugal, more specifically in Castelo Branco, students from Brava so that they can be trained both in the field of music and complete the 12th, stressing that there is a project in this city that welcomes young people and gives this financial, residential and school material support.

For his part, the mayor of Brava, Francisco Tavares, explained that the activity came during the municipal festivities and taking advantage of the presence of the president of the Mais Lusofonia association, Sofia Lourenço, who is visiting the island.

According to the mayor, this was an opportunity to share knowledge with the community of Brave, but also to give them the opportunity to witness "another gain" for young Brave, consummated in the signing of the tripartite protocol.

A protocol that, as he highlighted, will annually allow four young people from Brave to finish their 12th year, considering this as another door that opens within the range of possible formations that the city council has been looking for partnerships in all that is side to them. give more and better opportunities.