See, today, August 2, 2023, two scandals in the agency: (i) the announcement of the flight of young Cape Verdean pilgrims from WYD, in Lisbon and (ii) the expulsion of the former President of the AN and former Ombudsman, Engineer Espírito Santo, from the Panel of Analysts of the Jornal de Domingo Programme. Instead of the Government treating them with the Sense of State and responsibility that is expected, two clown rulers appear, in the circus that has become the country's governance, distorting reality and treating us as useful idiots. These positions are sad and ridiculous, inasmuch as they shame decent citizens and cause them to be seen through the prism of these mediocre rulers who act “Sem djobi pa ladu pamodi és katá djobi spedju”.

It is, to say the least, cynical not to admit that Cape Verde is being governed in a clowning manner, at almost all levels and sectors of government. At the central and local government level and in key sectors such as justice, health, education and the economy, the scenarios that make up the circus add up and swell.
We live, without parallel in the history of our governance, a government caricature of itself. A Government that communicates and always assumes the caricature, the opposite of itself. That is, as an expert in the field says, do it with your hands and erase it with your feet. It puts into its masked manner and slender tone everything that the commonest of mortal citizens perceive with such clarity. Worse than denying reality and its metamorphosis, the Government puts on its mask and encourages citizens to have an instrumental intelligibility, completely opposed to reason and facts.
The numbers that embody the data are read, conveniently, in consonance with the lie to be woven.
The numerical representation of unemployment, young emigration, extreme poverty, criminality and even economic growth deserve and always receive from this Government an analysis bias with distortions-torsions that has everything to embarrass the communicator, perhaps he is not/were cynical.
The facts that occur through the conscious or unconscious construction of their narrators have no existence. They don't have time, place or measure, so the Government faces them with the breath of their whistle and with their hands in their pockets passing by the sidelines.
There are no problems and/or scandals worthy of concern from this Government in Cape Verde. On the contrary, they always receive the blessing of the Government. It is like this with corruption, with nepotism, lack of transparency, harmful management, labor harassment, oppression, restriction of democratic freedom, etc. At the slightest sign of denunciation or occurrence, a clown minister comes to set the desired tone and clarity.
See, today, August 2, 2023, two scandals in the agency: (i) the announcement of the flight of young Cape Verdean pilgrims from WYD, in Lisbon and (ii) the expulsion of the former President of the AN and former Ombudsman, Engineer Espírito Santo, from the Panel of Analysts of the Jornal de Domingo Programme. Instead of the Government treating them with the Sense of State and responsibility that is expected, two clown rulers appear, in the circus that has become the country's governance, distorting reality and treating us as useful idiots. These positions are sad and ridiculous, inasmuch as they shame decent citizens and cause them to be seen through the prism of these mediocre rulers who act “Sem djobi pa ladu pamodi és katá djobi spedju”.
The standard, already with previous formulations, had long since seen and denounced it: it is arrogant, dictatorial and of such contempt for citizen-voters and citizen-taxpayers, the true owners of power in democracy.
It is a case to think that in Cape Verde, the times that the MPD wins in the elections, the matrix of our democratic regime, which is of the Right, is consolidated, but serious vices in governance are also combined, through Scandals and Blessing. Without having the will or desire and also for his and our misfortune, Daniel Benoni institutionalized a cursed paradigm for the MPD, since 1996, with the coinage of the Blessing Scandal granted to the harmful management that occurred in the Embassy of Cape Verde, in Portugal.