Covid-19/ Brava: Completion rate of the 12th year of schooling is already around 60% – director
The director of Escola Secundária Eugénio Tavares (ESET) and Complexo Educativo de Nova Sintra (CENS), David Fernandes, announced that the rate of students who have completed the 12th year regardless of the resource tests is around 60 percent (%).

The director of Escola Secundária Eugénio Tavares (ESET) and Complexo Educativo de Nova Sintra (CENS), David Fernandes, announced that the rate of students who have completed the 12th year regardless of the resource tests is around 60 percent (%).
Speaking to Inforpress, David Fernandes said that today they started the appeal tests in Mathematics and English, with 12 internal students and one external student and even, in this number, some students are included who were just to improve their grades.
According to the same source, Mathematics is the subject that students usually have the most difficulties with, leading to a higher rate of students taking the appeal test for this subject.
Incidentally, David Fernandes stressed that not only Mathematics, but also Physics and History are the subjects with the most students for the appeal tests.
Even so, the source specified that about 60% of the 12th grade students on this island have already passed, with one or another wanting to improve their grade and others who are taking the appeal tests.
For the 12th year students, the director pointed out that the preparation classes for the appeal tests started on the 19th of May and with the postponement of the appeal tests, they had another week of classes, hoping that the improvements and feature grades are “the best”.
Face-to-face classes were suspended due to the covid-19 pandemic that has plagued the world and the country, forcing the Ministry of Education to move forward with virtual classes, with the program “Learn to study at home”, broadcast on the radio, in the public television and on social media.
As for the 12th grade students, they returned to the classrooms, following some restrictions and hygiene measures, to prepare for the resource tests, which started today.