The statistical data for the 23/24 school year are positive and encourage us to continue with confidence and determination, always ensuring the quality of education in Brava. At the municipal level, we obtained an 81.9% pass rate in Primary Education, 74.2% in Secondary Education, which makes an 80.3% pass rate overall, based on the number of students assessed. It should be noted that there was an increase in the number of students enrolled in the three education subsystems, with 10, 65 and 10 for Pre-School Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education, respectively.
The data indicate improvements when compared to the 22/23 school year. We increased the pass rate in Basic Education by 2.8%, reduced the failure rate by 3.3%; in Secondary Education, we increased it by 4.1% and reduced the failure rate by 9%. The school dropout rate in Basic Education is 3.7 and 5.8 in Secondary Education. As a result, the overall school dropout rate for the 23/24 school year is 4.1%, far from the number reported by TCV in the newspaper on Sunday, September 1, 24 (see the tables with the attached data).
By the way, it is worth mentioning that the data provided by TCV, with the consent of the social services, do not correspond to those we currently have and, therefore, do not match current data. We are not aware of any such study and do not know the origin of this data. We are not aware of the methods used to calculate the dropout rate of 30%. This percentage is equivalent to the dropout rate of approximately 400 students, which is not true. In this regard, it is important to point out that we must consider students from families who leave for other municipalities, who emigrate to the USA, plus those who actually leave the system and stay in Brava. All are counted in accordance with current statistical procedures.
We believe that serious, truthful diagnoses, made using assertive methodologies, will help Brava in the coming times. Therefore, we call for greater rigor and data processing in order to avoid distortions and biased readings. Therefore, we have already requested a meeting with the President of the CMB to analyze the document in order to correct this data, as a way of improving the aforementioned diagnosis.
We take this opportunity to make a strong appeal to Parents and Guardians to focus on preparing their students for the new school year, participating in kick-off activities and paying attention to the important information that will be provided.
We will be prepared to start without any problems, as the conditions for this are being created in the groups, the teachers will be placed in a timely manner, according to the needs after the transfers, the school canteen will be operating at 100% in all schools, as we will have all the necessary food products in the municipality and we will also distribute school kits.
Classes should start as normal in all schools in the municipality, although we are carrying out some renovation work on the kitchens and bathrooms at the Senna Barcelos and Manuel Rodrigues Gomes schools, and we also plan to start renovation work on the central classrooms at the Nossa Senhora do Monte Basic School.
To all,
Successes in this new school year.
The Brava Delegation