Fábio Vieira succeeds Nuías Silva in the presidency of the Association of Municipalities of Fogo and Brava

The impasse that reigned in the Association of the Municipalities of Fogo and Brava (AMFB) in relation to the presidency was overcome in the association meeting that elected Fábio Vieira to succeed Nuías Silva in the presidency of the Association.

Aug 5, 2023 - 09:58
Sep 2, 2023 - 18:19
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Fábio Vieira succeeds Nuías Silva in the presidency of the Association of Municipalities of Fogo and Brava
Fábio Vieira succeeds Nuías Silva in the presidency of the Association of Municipalities of Fogo and Brava

After the AMFB meeting held on the 4th of August at the headquarters of the Regional Development Agency (ADR), the Municipality of Mosteiros announced on its official page the choice of the municipality of Mosteiros, through its president Fábio Vieira, to preside over the next two years the presidency of the AMFB.

After several attempts with more than three meetings to define the new presidency of the Association, the four municipalities in the region reached an understanding with the choice of Mosteiros to assume the presidency, succeeding São Filipe who has been directing the AMFB since 2015.

According to the AMFB statute, the president of the association is not appointed on a rotating basis, but elected by the Intermunicipal Assembly, on a proposal from the Board of Directors.

Created in 1999, the AMFB has as its general objective the promotion, defense, dignification and representation of the local power of the associated municipalities, as well as the defense and integration of the economic and social policies of its members, regardless of the attributions of each municipality.

Its statute also foresees the carrying out of studies and projects on relevant matters of local power, projects of economic and social impact, as well as the monitoring of their execution in the general interest of the members.

Drawing up and approving the region's development plan, creating services and offices for the pursuit of its purposes and its members, implementing training actions for local elected officials and professional improvement of Local Administration personnel and decentralized State services, and developing actions which aim at better articulation between local power and the different decentralized services in the region, are other purposes that were at the base of the creation of the AMFB.

infopress with Bravanews