Zé Luís Solidário Foundation takes stock of support provided to patients on Ilha Brava

Ilha Brava, July 16, 2023 - The Zé Luís Solidário Foundation released today a detailed balance of the support provided to patients on Ilha Brava. The foundation, founded by the renowned social activist and philanthropist Jose Luís Martins, known as Ze Luis, has the main objective of offering medical and social assistance to needy communities and promoting the improvement of the living conditions of vulnerable people.

Jul 16, 2023 - 13:09
Sep 2, 2023 - 19:10
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Zé Luís Solidário Foundation takes stock of support provided to patients on Ilha Brava
Zé Luís Solidário Foundation takes stock of support provided to patients on Ilha Brava

The foundation collaborated with local health professionals and medical establishments to ensure adequate medical care for patients. Financial resources were made available for the purchase of medicines, medical equipment and the carrying out of necessary tests and procedures, in addition to evacuations.

Recognizing the importance of emotional support, the foundation implemented psychosocial support programs for patients and their families. Support groups, counseling sessions and individual therapies were promoted in order to provide comprehensive support during the treatment process.

Many patients face difficulties in accessing medical services due to lack of adequate support. The Zé Luís Solidário Foundation established partnerships and sought support in organizing the transfer of patients to local and national medical care centres.

The foundation made available a financial assistance fund to assist patients and their families with medical expenses, food and other basic needs. This financial support has been instrumental in ensuring that patients receive the care they need without putting a financial burden on them. This financial aid amounted to almost one million Cape Verdean escudos, according to founder Ze Luis Martins.

In his statement to Bravanews, Zé Luís expressed his gratitude to the foundation's team and to all the partners who made this support possible. He stated: "Our commitment is to the dignity and well-being of patients on Ilha Brava. We will continue to invest in resources and seek partnerships to expand the scope of our services and improve the quality of life for these people."

The Zé Luís Solidário Foundation has established itself as a reference in social actions on Ilha Brava, and its work has been fundamental to strengthen the community and offer hope to the sick. With a humanitarian eye and unwavering commitment, the foundation continues to play a vital role in promoting the health and well-being of island residents.

The Zé Luís Foundation has the support of its representatives on Brava Island, Arlete Lima, Edoneia and Davison.