The intervention of Francisco Carvalho (FC) on TCV's “Point by Point” program yesterday suggests the following very worrying scenario: the electoral campaign for the municipal elections in November this year for the CMP will be the most tense and, most likely, the most violent ever. In fact, yesterday's interview was the opening, albeit unofficial, of the FC campaign for these elections. He knew very well how to take advantage of prime time on national TV to open hostilities.

May 17, 2024 - 04:03
May 17, 2024 - 04:10
 1  139

During the 48-minute interview, FC aimed, in his very personal style and for almost 40 minutes, his heavy artillery against the MpD and the Government supported by this party. There were very serious accusations against the MpD: theft, corruption, persecution against him and the people of Praia, collusion with the judiciary, government protection over the “criminal” Óscar Santos Chamber, etc., etc. Selling his image as the least corrupt and most transparent politician on the planet, he indirectly accuses his former supporter Samilo Moreira of being corrupt.

the serious irregularities, illegalities and corruption schemes set up at the CMP, accusations against him that appear in Renato Fernandes' report, reminding the journalist that the difference between him and the people at MpD is that he never stole even 5 pennies. In short, it was a list of very serious accusations, victimization and the distillation of a visceral hatred against the MpD system. For FC, it became clearer than ever: the world would be a much better place to live if MpD didn't exist! Yesterday's interview was the 1st phase of the unofficial opening of his campaign.

On the 19th of this month, the session commemorating Municipality Day will be the 2nd phase. And everyone already knows that he will take advantage of this stage to rain insults and barbarities of all kinds against the MpD system which, in his opinion, is simply the Axis of Evil. However, the most ridiculous part of yesterday's interview was when the journalist confronted him with Samilo Moreira's statements, according to which he (Samilo) abandoned PAICV because he did not agree with this party's bet on an incompetent, dictator and corrupt like FC. Then, that was the end of the monkey business! The FC who wanted, by force, to prevent the journalist from reading Samilo's statements, when he was unable to do so, expressed his enormous disappointment and sadness. My people, FC is a case study!