Governing IS NOT making roads, a merely instrumental activity."

The Prime Minister is not a simple contractor, we believe. This was, moreover, the model of Oliveira Salazar, the old dictator of the Portuguese Estado Novo, known, at the time, as the great architect of "public works".

Jul 31, 2024 - 04:33
Jul 31, 2024 - 04:40
 0  122
Governing IS NOT making roads, a merely instrumental activity."
Governing IS NOT making roads, a merely instrumental activity."
To govern is, yes, to FREE PEOPLE, to finally let them blossom and blossom, as unique, thinking and irreducible Beings. Which is more of a recognition, between equals, and not so much a heteronomous concession.
To govern seriously is, first of all, to invest in the institutions of the rule of law and democracy, the only ones that can later lead us, in a virtuous cycle, to Peace, Freedom, Justice and Fraternity.
This is the hard core of the so-called "civic and democratic culture".
Only in this way can an authentic HUMAN COMMUNITY be built, based, after all, on superior spiritual values, so well described and analyzed by Max Scheler.
CIVILIZATION is built (or destroyed...) from this very thin noetic layer, this distinctive mark.
We are, therefore, cognitive-symbolic animals and it is our fundamental capacity for Ideation that emancipates us and, through "recta ratio", qualifies and prepares us for humanly significant projects that have always been the legitimate pride of our species.
Ignoring, as the MpD does today practically en masse, done in a hurry, of little fanatics, opportunists, media dolls and brainless people of various kinds, THE MOST SERIOUS CASE that has occurred in the last 33 years of democracy in Cape Verde, starring by the President of the Republic, Mr. José Maria Neves, is truly complete and indisputable proof that, at this moment, PRIORITIES ARE REVERSED, at the service of a political-social system that, in its shallow utilitarianism, functionalizes the Man-Person and does not allow, as he explained a John Paul II, the effective construction of a "moral ecology" of FREEDOM.
Do the MpD and the respective Government not perform (and are responsible for...) important constitutional functions?
The vile, arbitrary, criminal and ignominious act of our so-called "nation's highest magistrate", in awarding, outside the laws and the Constitution, an extraordinary salary of 310 contos a month to his girlfriend, is a black stain on the dignity of these people, and calls into question, one by one, the entire established legal-political-and-cultural system, thereby undermining the central axes of good governance.
This act is shameful and unacceptable, and should therefore deserve the absolute repudiation of any free, conscious and minimally patriotic Cape Verdean citizen.
Under penalty of serious IRRESPONSIBILITY, it must therefore be reported, scrutinized and combated, with the necessary CONSEQUENCES being rigorously extracted from it, so that it does not go to school.
There is, in any case, an essential difference between true Statesmen (embodied, for example, by the tutelary figures of George Washington, Winston Churchill or Willy Brandt) and mere technocrats, who limit themselves to managing, provisionally, a certain "status quo".
We must avoid, at all costs, that the smallness of the soul of some and others gradually transforms this country into an insignificant replica of Zimbabwe, given over to paltry political manipulation, the absence of a critical spirit and, of course, the dangerous vassalage cultivated by mimicry, and by unrepentant servants, in the style of a strange and unrecommended cult of personality.
Synthesis & relectio.
The Constitution of the Republic is not just "one law" among several others.
It is fundamentally our COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT.
In other words, the "legal status of the politician", as Gomes Canotilho would also say, and our true RESERVE OF JUSTICE.
The Constitution is, in this non-negotiable and even indispensable dimension, a Code of honor, legality and human emancipation.
Thus placing itself in the fastigence of the Grundgesetz, full of axioms of a material and binding order, for everyone.
If it gets lost, due to the rapacity of the men, due to the minute calculations of the managers on duty, everything will be equally lost. Irremediably.
It's only a matter of time!
Look at what is happening now in Venezuela and in so many other unfortunate places.
The tragedy of nations has always been, in fact, a succession of misunderstandings and basic errors.
As in Shakespeare's premonitory verses:
Mad world, mad king, mad composition.