Brava Island Excluding from the International Competition for Development of Urban Plans Launched by the Government
The government of Cape Verde launched an international competition to develop urban plans on several islands, excluding Ilha Brava. The project, financed by the World Bank, aims to improve urban infrastructure. The exclusion of Ilha Brava does not come as a surprise to anyone.

The Special Project Management Unit (UGPE) of the Government of Cape Verde announced the opening of an international public tender for the contracting of technical assistance services for the development and implementation of Municipal Master Plans in various locations across the country. Funded by the World Bank, within the scope of the “Improving Connectivity and Urban Infrastructure” project, the objective is to structure the use of land and create a reference framework for the application of urban planning policies and the location of infrastructure and public equipment.
However, although without any surprises, Ilha Brava was completely omitted , while locations such as Povoação Velha, Barraca, Alto Santa Cruz, Alto São João, Chã de Matinho, Ponta do Sol, Centro de Ribeira Brava, Ribeira de Julião, Chaguate de Cima and Achada Furna are included in the scope of the competition, with application dates set until August 9th.
The decision to exclude Ilha Brava from this ambitious project clearly shows the development priorities of the Cape Verdean government. We argue that the island, with its unique challenges related to geography, economy and demography, requires careful planning to preserve its natural and cultural heritage, as well as promote sustainable development.
Congratulations to the locations selected to be part of this project, but as always Ilha Brava is the forgotten child.