Local elections 2024: MpD proposes December 1st for elections

The Movement for Democracy (MpD) today proposed to the Government that local elections be scheduled for December 1st, justifying that this would be the best date to increase voter participation.

Sep 10, 2024 - 04:27
Sep 10, 2024 - 04:30
 0  76
Local elections 2024: MpD proposes December 1st for elections
Local elections 2024: MpD proposes December 1st for elections

“We agree that December 1st is the best date for the elections as it meets the criteria mentioned by the MpD”, the party’s secretary general, Luís Carlos Silva, told the press after the meeting he had with the prime minister to agree on the date for the local elections.

Regarding this process, the secretary general of the MpD stated that he had some difficulty in understanding the statements made by the president of the PAICV who accused the Government of misusing public resources, accusations that Luís Carlos Silva considers “unfounded and empty”.

In this context, the MpD leader challenged the PAICV president to prove his accusation, since, in his opinion, it takes away the tranquility necessary for the election process and tarnishes Cape Verdean democracy.

Asked if the delay caused anxiety, Luís Carlos Silva responded that there was no delay, but rather anxiety among some who want to work on the “power for power’s sake” agenda.

“We who are working on an agenda in favour of Cape Verde, Cape Verdeans and improving the lives of Cape Verdeans, are calm”, he stressed, underlining that as long as the Government schedules elections 30 days before or after, with reference to the last local elections, on 20 October, the executive will be complying.

The eighth and final municipal elections in Cape Verde were held on 20 October 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, to choose the mayors of the archipelago's 22 municipalities.
