MpD leadership dispute: Orlando Dias presents the main lines of his candidacy for the party's presidency

The candidate for the presidency of the MpD, Orlando Dias, summoned the press, this Friday, 06, in the city of Praia, to present several reasons/reasons for his candidacy for the leadership of the organization, as an alternative to the current leader and Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva. Among other aspects of his strategic vision, Dias promises to return the party to the militants, give new impetus to democracy, move forward with the initiative of constitutional revision and evolutionary change of the political system, as well as pass legislation against nepotism, clientelism, friendship and cronyism. With a view to providing more details to our readers, we prefer to publish, below, the press release of the aforementioned alternative candidate for the leadership of the MpD at the next national convention.

Jan 6, 2023 - 21:33
Sep 3, 2023 - 03:10
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MpD leadership dispute: Orlando Dias presents the main lines of his candidacy for the party's presidency
MpD leadership dispute: Orlando Dias presents the main lines of his candidacy for the party's presidency

The candidate for the presidency of the MpD, Orlando Dias, summoned the press, this Friday, 06, in the city of Praia, to present several reasons/reasons for his candidacy for the leadership of the organization, as an alternative to the current leader and Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva. Among other aspects of his strategic vision, Dias promises to return the party to the militants, give new impetus to democracy, move forward with the initiative of constitutional revision and evolutionary change of the political system, as well as pass legislation against nepotism, clientelism, friendship and cronyism. With a view to providing more details to our readers, we prefer to publish, below, the press release of the aforementioned alternative candidate for the leadership of the MpD at the next national convention.

The MpD has to go back to being a truly democratic Party, in line with its origin, essence and objectives that are based on democracy, freedom, development, social justice and intransigent defense of the dignity of the human person, the main beneficiary of all efforts to development.

The current leadership of the MpD has given priority to marginal issues of a personal nature within the Party, contributing to the reduction of the protagonism and dynamics of the organization, through the impoverishment of internal dialogue and, consequently, with society.

Redeem the MpD

MpD militants, friends and sympathizers must fight against the exercise of power based on decision-making by some of the main leaders, behind closed doors and behind the backs of the majority of Party members.

Party leadership must be decided on a competitive and transparent basis, without distinction, through the vote freely expressed by the militants.
It is necessary that the MpD resume responsible political commitment, which must prevail in the relations of the Party and its militants with society, the State and the media.

The MpD must not be allowed to be a class or apparatus party and, for that very reason, it is urgent that the close link between the national bodies, the intermediate structures and the grassroots be rescued, through meetings and systematic, periodic and by members of the National Political Commission and the National Directorate, to ensure they have a correct assessment of the situation and problems affecting the country.

Return the Party to the militants

The MpD bases must be reorganized so that they can function properly and organize regular debates in their respective constituencies.
At MpD, the reintroduction of a culture of creativity, innovation, reform and criticism with constructive and educational objectives is imperative.

It is necessary to put an end to the abandonment to which the MpD bases are being subjected by the current leadership of the Party, except during election periods.
It is in defense of these principles that I am a candidate!

My candidacy comes as a result of a complex internal process, which stems from a power strategy with constraints on freedom of opinion, the extinction of internal debate and the imposition, in fact, of a single thought.

In defense of republican culture

This sprain of internal democracy began in 2013, with the current leadership, and has been developing over the last few years, seeking to assert the figure of an uncontested leader, a providential figure without which the MpD would inevitably be historically doomed counting consecutive defeats. It is the installation of the cult of personality, the so-and-so of politics in opposition to republican culture and the principles of democracy. And this is unacceptable.

On the contrary, our proposal is in line with a collegial, shared, plural and intergenerational leadership of the MpD, where each and every one has a distinct place, with the contribution of the experience of all militants, mayors and former mayors, of today's and yesterday's party leaders, in symbiosis with the irreverence and ambition of young people.

2. A Party with a future

We believe that the MpD is a Party with a future, but that it needs to return to its identity principles, to its historical origins. Principles and a republican culture that followed a great popular movement for freedom and democracy and that founded the Democratic State of Law.

  • -A truly plural MpD, organized and with intense political action among its militants, friends, sympathizers and the entire Cape Verdean society.
  • - An MpD that provides Cape Verdeans with a Party capable of outlining and assuming a new political project and program for the country, in a medium and long-term strategic dimension, guaranteeing stable governance, with highly positive results in successive political cycles.
  • - An MpD that reintroduces internal democracy, freedom of expression and opinion, the right to be different and the existence of trends, as, incidentally, is inscribed in its founding principles.
  • - An MpD that promotes and implements the effective appreciation of merit, respect for militancy and close communication with the Party's bases and with society.
  • - An MpD with shared leadership and respect for party members and leaders.
  • - An MpD that is a creative, innovative, reformist, participatory and cohesive party.
  • - An MpD that has a leadership that bets on a stronger Party capable of bringing together Cape Verdean men and women around mobilizing ideals, generating a national development project.
  • - An MpD that works for political stability, legal security, peace, democracy, good governance, and stimulates the natural potential of Cape Verde's geostrategic location and the country's international credibility in all aspects.
  • - An MpD that promotes the human dimension in political activities and actions, through the use of ideas from society, and satisfies the ambitions, desires and needs of citizens.
  • - An MpD that values, pays special attention to and reinforces the credibility of the National Assembly, as the center of political and legislative power in our system of government, by strengthening its powers.
  • - An MpD that carries out a profound reform of the State and the containment of public expenditure, through constitutional review, other laws and reforms, particularly in parliament, government, judicial bodies, local authorities, State administration and , in general, in every public machine.
  • - An MpD that works to transform Cape Verde into an industrialized country, which produces goods and services with effective competitiveness, becoming a nation of producers and consumers.
  • - An MpD that works to make Cape Verde a country that produces wealth and that is more daring in its integration in the World.
  • - An MpD that works to implement legal and institutional mechanisms to fight corruption, nepotism, clientelism, cronyism and friendship, cultivating and realizing a true meritocracy.
  • - An MpD that implements significant reforms in Education, Health, Security, Economy, Agriculture and Environment, Housing, Energy and Infrastructure systems.
  • - An MpD that works for a united Cape Verde, plural, mobilizing and based on the spirit of sharing, with a strong component of youth and women's participation.
  • - An MpD that works to eradicate extreme poverty and social inequality, placing the poorest at the center of the State Budget.
  • - An MpD that works in defense of our children, the most needy, the elderly and people with disabilities.

We also defend a profound statutory revision that brings more democracy to the Party, that privileges the debate of ideas and resumes the organizational structure of the original MpD, with the reinforcement of the powers of the collegiate bodies, guiding all political intervention by objectives, but also creating a chain of transmission between popular expectations and aspirations with the Party leadership. It is necessary to give voice to the militants, but it is still necessary to open the Party to internal debate, in a direct and frank way, without controllers or violations of freedom.

The MpD has to go back to being a truly democratic Party, in line with its origin, essence and objectives that are based on democracy, freedom, development, social justice and intransigent defense of the dignity of the human person, the main beneficiary of all efforts to development.

The current leadership of the MpD has given priority to marginal issues of a personal nature within the Party, contributing to the reduction of the protagonism and dynamics of the organization, through the impoverishment of internal dialogue and, consequently, with society.

MpD militants, friends and sympathizers must fight against the exercise of power based on decision-making by some of the main leaders, behind closed doors and behind the backs of the majority of Party members.

Party leadership must be decided on a competitive and transparent basis, without distinction, through the vote freely expressed by the militants. It is necessary that the MpD resume responsible political commitment, which must prevail in the relations of the Party and its militants with society, the State and the press.

The MpD must not be allowed to be a class or apparatus party and, for that very reason, it is urgent that the close link between the national bodies, the intermediate structures and the grassroots be rescued, through meetings and systematic, periodic and by members of the National Political Commission and the National Directorate, to ensure they have a correct assessment of the situation and problems affecting the country.

The MpD bases must be reorganized so that they can function properly and organize regular debates in their respective constituencies. Serving, performing, growing, modernizing and developing Cape Verde must therefore constitute the central line of our strategic objectives.

3. An organized, sustainable and decentralized Party

We want a better organized MpD in qualitative and quantitative terms, decentralized, with a very effective and active General Secretariat, with reinforced powers, capable of enhancing current and modern political intervention, in line with anticipatory times to come, with intense political action among militants, sympathizers and friends of the MpD, galvanized and booster of an adequate policy in a network and in all localities, in the municipalities, in the Islands and in the Diaspora.

We also defend the creation of a true Press and Communication Office (GIC), which does not treat the Social Communication as an enemy of the Party, which coordinates all internal and external communication, giving coherence to the MpD's message, whether from the point of view of the contents, but also in the definition of its entire graphic image.

Likewise, we want to edit (on paper and electronically) a Central Organ of the Party that disseminates the MpD's positions and proposals to society and that brings together and links the network of party structures.

We also want to build a communication network for the Party with an information portal that brings together the central body, a radio, an online television and a presence on the main social networks.

And we intend to guarantee financial sustainability to the MpD, to improve its functioning by eliminating the Party's significant debt, resulting from inadequate management.

4. Give democracy a new lease of life

The first free, multi-party, transparent and democratic elections by direct suffrage in Cape Verde were held on January 13, 1991 and the MpD won with a qualified majority.

In less than a year, after the overwhelming victory of the MpD, that is, on August 5, 1992, our Parliamentary Group approved the new democratic Constitution of Cape Verde, which was promulgated on September 4 of the same year, with the 25 of that month.

The 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Cape Verde began to enshrine the freedoms, rights and guarantees of citizens, the conception of the dignity of the human person as an absolute value, overcoming the State itself, a system of government with balanced power shared among the sovereign bodies, with an independent judiciary having been established, local power elected directly by the respective communities and a Public Administration at the service of the citizens, definitively marking the beginning of the Second Republic in Cape Verde.

Constitutional revision and evolutionary change of the political system

Thirty years after the approval of the 1992 Constitution and 12 years after the last constitutional revision, the time has come for a profound revision to allow for evolutionary changes in Cape Verde's development process.

Such a revision must give rise to a major prior debate, involving political parties and society as a whole, to give our democracy a new lease of life and for the Constitution to be in line with the new realities.

In a poor country with great social inequalities, we consider it central to moralize the management of public resources and, therefore, we defend the reduction of the number of deputies to 52; reducing the number of government members to 12; the reduction in the number of municipal councilors and deputies (9 to 7; 7 to 5; 5 to 3; 21 to 17; 17 to 13; 13 to 9); and the reduction of the number of public institutes and similar institutions by half. But also, the prohibition of salary accumulation in the State, including holders of political offices, as well as stipulating the maximum salary ceiling in administration and public companies at two hundred thousand escudos.

We also defend that the National Assembly starts to elect the Attorney General of the Republic, the members of the Court of Auditors and the inspectors of the area of Justice (Courts and Public Ministry).

Against nepotism, clientelism, friendliness and cronyism

At the same time, it is essential to pass legislation to severely punish nepotism, clientelism, cronyism and cronyism in state administration and public companies, as one of the ways to reduce the marked social inequalities that still persist in Cape Verdean society.

And, naturally, to apply the resources resulting from the reform of the State and the containment of public expenses in Education, Health, the fight against poverty and employment for young people.

In addition to this position in relation to cost containment, through the reduction of the public machine, State vehicles and fuel costs, we defend the limitation of the mandates of the Prime Minister (two five-year mandates) and of the mayors (three terms of four years), as they are executive positions.

Expand the process of democratic participation

At the same time, it is necessary to place at the center of the political debate the possibility of lists of citizens so that, in the image of what happens in the municipalities, they can participate in the elections for the National Assembly, expanding the process of democratic participation and strengthening citizenship. But, at the same time, fulfill the constitutional imperative of regionalization of the country, in line with the Special Statute of Praia and the reinforcement of the powers and competences of the municipalities.

For these measures to be taken, it is necessary to revise the Constitution of the Republic, the Electoral Code, the Statute of Municipalities and the approval of new legislation. But, as we have already mentioned, it is essential to initiate a broad debate on these and other matters, involving everyone for a profound reform of the State and to enhance the active participation of citizens in public affairs.

5. A fair and supportive society

The MpD, by its nature, is a center party, aligned with the Social Doctrine of the Church and open to all democratic currents. In this perspective, we defend new paths for Cape Verde in line with the principles of a fair and solidary society. A society that builds an economic model with ethical limits and a new social market economy, resulting from a country with great social inequalities. Until now, people have been at the service of the economy, it is time for the economy to be at the service of people.

The social market economy - which we defend - is a socioeconomic model that marries the so-called "market economy" with social policies, establishing fair competition in the market and a welfare state.

Guarantee employment, reduce wage differences and social inequality

A social economy that guarantees employment, that drastically reduces wage differences and social inequalities, is the only way to make the real economy grow, from bottom to top.

Since private property is not a divine right, rather a social usufruct enjoyed by the holders of the means of production, the private sector must also be governed by solidarity purposes (even in line with Cape Verdean Christian tradition) and the Business activity should be rewarded on account of good practices and their contributions to society.

We defend a society based on the values of justice and freedom, which values the merits of all those who contribute to progress and development. But also a society that invests in Education, Culture, Knowledge and Science.

fight discrimination

A society without discrimination that ensures equal opportunities and equality before the law and justice, that guarantees the right to happiness and personal fulfillment throughout the life cycle, at all ages.
A society that does not allow harassment, sexual and gender abuse, discrimination and abuse of power, and fights for the realization of Human Rights.
We defend alternatives with a future, progress solutions that value participatory and citizen democracy, whose implementation depends only on the sovereign will of the men and women of Cape Verde.

6. A new Political Charter

We challenge MpD militants to have the audacity to assume a new future for the Party and for the Country, giving expression to a new Political Charter with a driving vision of the Cape Verdean Nation.

From the outset, an aggregating leadership of a plural and organized MpD, decentralized and with means capable of enhancing a modern political intervention, with capacity for anticipation and response.

An MPD with intense political action with the militancy and the support base, enhancing a network policy with all localities, on the islands and in the diaspora.

An innovative, participatory and cohesive Party, with active political work and commitment to Cape Verde, which is always guided by causes and values. An MpD with the people, with all the citizens of this country, with their dreams and desires, which mobilizes Cape Verdeans towards the great national goals.

An MpD capable of delineating and assuming, from now on, a new political project for the Country, in a long-term strategic dimension and of stable governance in successive cycles, with the involvement of all, in the victorious conduction of the democratically supported electoral programs, of the new challenges of evolutionary modernization, with consequent prosperity for the island nation.

This is the framework of political orientation that we intend to promote, the direction of the MpD in the coming years, imprinting the turning point of Cape Verde, in the realization of a purpose, in a prospective conciliation of the unpredictable and uncertain with the intended and desired. Because the historical past, with everything epic and glorious, exposes us and makes us responsible in the face of the imperative of reaffirming the traits of a bold and ambitious country, of gains and victories.

Preserve the past, renew the present and face the future

What we propose now is a direct result of the contribution of all, without exception, of a significant number of militants and ordinary citizens, their dreams, their ideas, their examples, their experiences and their assumed obligations as militants and patriotic for Cape Verde. It is therefore the result of the contact we have maintained with the real country, and the open and plural way in which we have faced the challenge of preserving the past, renewing the present and facing the future with confidence and determination.

This is the commitment of our leadership, with a view to signing a new Political Charter that mobilizes Cape Verdean men and women towards a collective long-term commitment.

Above all, we are presenting a well-founded idea of servant leadership, which enhances the MpD as a party with a democratic and avant-garde dimension, with an enormous asset that results from the conciliatory combination of generations, which are motivated by the dreams that were realized yesterday and by the vision of a better future for all Cape Verdeans.

We therefore aspire to a united Cape Verde, mobilizing and based on the spirit of sharing, with a strong component of youth and female participation. To this end, we idealized an MpD always close to the citizens, tirelessly alongside the populations, to produce wealth and well-being. Our proposal is the integrating synthesis of the aspirations of all MpD militants, of all generations that made this Party.

Freedom of participation, for pluralism and freedom

The MpD is summoned to take on this line of a new Political Charter, which stands out for freedom of participation, for pluralism and diversity, as well as for the creation of edifying energies that value each citizen, for their own merits and for their work.

Because we defend humanist and republican values, we will do everything to respond to the challenges that already exist and that will increasingly arise for the Party and the country, in the medium term future.

Our commitment is with the militants and with the aspirations of our populations. For this, the MpD must take on thinking more about the country, without giving up a critical attitude or broad understandings with party forces and civil society, so that there is a strategic model of governance for Cape Verde in the long term. And we launch a challenge for Cape Verdeans to discuss and assume a positive country, entrenched in its historical epic, so that we can find collective answers with more responsibility and greater citizen participation.

Active citizen participation

It is time to start a new political cycle, within a clear and consistent strategic vision, so that we can overcome the limits, crises and traditional problems of governance in Cape Verde. Placing the active participation of citizens at the heart of our decisions is an irreversible plan that must incorporate our philosophy of governance and our political culture in a logic of asserting national goals, with the tenacity to fight and overcome challenges.

In order to live up to the citizens' expectations in view of their legitimate aspiration and ambition for a better future, we are going to build a political project that promotes a set of feasible proposals in space and time, which postulate an effective close relationship between militants and citizens, organizations, civic associations and companies, which allows the MpD to lead, in a consistent and unequivocal way, its political and strategic agenda in order to provoke a decisive turn in the country's performance levels, guaranteeing a new speed towards the prosperity and the emergence of a renewed political cycle.

Strong, tolerant and determined leadership

Our firm commitment is also to induce strong, tolerant and determined leadership at all levels of action, with a lucid and positive vision of local, national and global political life. We are confident that Cape Verde can do more, taking a new course, with a new attitude and new approaches.
It's time for the turning point, to awaken consciences and challenge limits, with work and merit. With no pretense of monopoly on political power, the Movement for Democracy wants to inspire credibility and give confidence to better serve Cape Verde.

City of Praia, January 6, 2023
Orlando Dias
MpD Presidential Candidate