Brava Municipal Assembly continued to not have a scheduled date for the ordinary meeting
City of Nova Sintra, March 07 - At almost mid-March, the Municipal Assembly of Brava is still not complying with the law regarding the number of ordinary annual meetings.

City of Nova Sintra, March 07 - At almost mid-March, the Municipal Assembly of Brava is still not complying with the law regarding the number of ordinary annual meetings.
Based on information taken from social networks, and from the opposition, AM da Brava did not meet in February to analyze the report and accounts for the calendar year of 2019.
On its social media page PAICV/Brava wrote:
“AND THEY PLAYED AND PLAYED AND FORGOTTEN that in FEBRUARY there is a meeting of the MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY which should be MANDATORY! And it's already the month of March and the law is still a BIG JOKE for them!
For this reason, PAICV/Brava once again, despite successive warnings, comes to denounce the lack of respect these two entities have for Brava.
The President of the Municipal Assembly of Brava, FERNANDA BURGO, and this is nothing new for anyone, does not work in the Municipal Assembly, despite receiving a salary, and proof of this is that, once again, she lets the entire month of February pass, she went to play Carnival (and he didn't forget this) and didn't call the Municipal Assembly meeting.
This is a shame!
As for the Mayor, FRANCISCO TAVARES (who is now the official municipal DRONE operator) has not yet presented “THE REPORT ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE TOWN HALL” at the Municipal Assembly. As mandated by Article 75 of Law No. 134/IV/95, of July 3rd (STATUTES OF MUNICIPALITIES).
And it's not working either. He earns his salary, walks around and does not comply with the law!
The law says that it is MANDATORY to CALL the meeting in the month of FEBRUARY and once again, another year goes by and these two entities (which receive money from the people every month) are not accountable to the people.
What are you hiding? Why are they running away from scheduling the Municipal Assembly meeting?
PAICV/Brava comes to alert public opinion of this violation of the law because we are concerned with the fact that we have people receiving good wages and not fulfilling their obligations.
We do not accept rulers of this caliber, we will not accept defaulters, we will never accept!
They earn money from the people, now they are accountable, it is the least they should do!
This is a shame!
Respect Brava and respect the people of Brava!”
The Movement for Democracy, through its representative, David Lima Gomes, replied:
“The paicv Brava, in its saga of criticizing everything, is surprised by the participation of the Presidents of the Chamber and of the Assembly in the 2020 carnival, in a clear demonstration of an organization that does not value an important manifestation of our culture.
As if, for example, it is the first time that they participate in this manifestation, namely the President of the AM who for more than 20 years has been promoting the carnival in the Island and promoting its valorization and its development.
Now a question that remains is the following:
How many Municipal Assemblies, at the national level, have already considered the activities report? Have the Chambers and Assemblies of Mosteiros and Santa Cruz already done this?
I invite paicv Brava to revisit this call, below, made in October 2010.
In this only meeting held this year, they appreciated the Activity Report, the management account for the year 2009, Approved the Plan of Activities and Budget for the year 2010.
In this matter, the paicv does not have much lesson to teach, as the successive Chambers led by the paicv never complied with this assumption”.
In this struggle of pushing and shoving, where “I obey the law because you didn't”, the people are suffering and the solutions for the island and for the parents are being postponed”.