JHA Open Letter. A young woman who chose Cape Verde

I address you, at this moment, as a Young Cape Verdean Woman, who chose Cape Verde, first of all.

Dec 9, 2019 - 05:26
Sep 3, 2023 - 07:30
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JHA Open Letter. A young woman who chose Cape Verde
JHA Open Letter. A young woman who chose Cape Verde

Car@s Cape Verdeans,

Militant Car@s,

Car@s Amig@s,

I address you, at this moment, as a Young Cape Verdean Woman, who chose Cape Verde, first of all.

I chose Cape Verde and am a member of the PAICV because I believe that, through this great Party, I can and will be able to serve my Country, working to ensure greater prosperity and better opportunities for Cape Verdeans.

Being from the Left and being in the PAICV is, for me and above all, a state of mind, a way of being and a commitment to the real Cape Verde, in everyday life.

I assumed the Leadership of PAICV in 2014, following a deeply attended and democratic event where two more candidacies were paraded with the same purpose.

I earned the trust of the Party Members, who elected me in the first round of elections, and since then I have done the best I know (and knew) and could (and could), to honor the mandate entrusted to me and serve the Country through the Party of Amílcar Cabral.

I gave myself body and soul and fought, incessantly, putting all my strength, so that Cape Verde had, in 2016, a Government that put, in the first place, the interests of Cape Verdeans.

I wasn't able to! We couldn't!

But it was not for lack of struggle, nor for lack of work, dedication, seriousness, responsibility and proposals for Cape Verde.

Respecting the people's choice, I did what I understood (and understand) to be ethically defensible and morally required in life, as in politics:

I made the position of President of the PAICV available to the People of the Party, giving power back to those who had chosen me – the PAICV Militants – so that, as “supreme owners” of the Party, they could decide the fate of our Organization.

After pondering, but without hesitating (not even for a moment), I decided to run again, because I am for Causes and I take up the fight, particularly in difficult times. I am of Just Causes and I take on Worthy Fights! Ever! And I never give up on a venture I believe in.

And I believe!

I believe in Cape Verde!

I believe in Cape Verdeans!

I believe in the values of the Democratic, Modern and Progressive Left!

And I believe in PAICV!


And it was because I BELIEVE ALWAYS, that I dedicated myself, from the first day after the 2016 elections, to doing permanent and committed work, serious and honest, present and active, with a view to contributing to having a constructive Opposition that served the interests from the country.

These past 3 and a half years have not been easy years!

We had to overcome difficulties, overcome barriers and overcome obstacles.

But it was worth it!

These 3 and a half years have not been easy, but they have been extraordinarily rewarding.

It allowed us to reinforce the conviction that the PAICV is a great Party, capable of facing all kinds of adversities, resisting and winning.

It allowed us to feel how much people appreciate the role of the PAICV in the context of the construction and development of this country.

It allowed us to witness the love that militants and friends have for this party and the spirit of commitment to the country's causes and trust in the future of these islands.

It allowed us to test our strength and resilience.

It allowed us to assess our courage and determination.

But, above all, it allowed us to gauge our commitment to the causes of the Country we aspire to build and the Party in which we militate.

These 3 and a half years have allowed us to confirm that, when the cause is just and the fight is worthy, the chances of winning are immense.

After 3 and a half years of intense, permanent and serious work, we are once again being welcomed with open arms in many places and being listened to, in general, with attention in the communities.

The People of the Party are attentive and understand what happened in these three and a half years.

But, the People of the Country too.

The PAICV is beginning to recover, as the work done was a serious one guided, firstly, by the Organization of Party Structures, for its revitalization.

It was in this sense that:

  1. a) Regional Elections were organised, under statutory terms, in the 10 Political Regions of the Country, in the 29 Sectors at national level, and in 10 of the 14 Sectors in the Diaspora;
  1. b) The National Bodies of the FNMPAI and JPAI were renewed, in accordance with the Statutes;
  1. c) The Association of Mayors of the PAICV was relaunched, with the holding of its II Congress, which elected new Bodies;
  1. d) An intense International Agenda was developed, with the resumption of contacts and relations with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, with the Olof Palme Center, with the Jean Jeaurés Foundation and at the Socialist International, where we assumed, in July 2017, one of the Deputy -Presidencies and, in November 2019, we received the Africa Committee which, for the first time, met with the presence of all the Vice-Presidents for Africa, and a new President was elected for the Africa Committee of the Socialist International.

We invest heavily in improving the Party's management, whether in terms of assets or finances.

In this regard:

  1. a) We promote the inscription and registration, with the Municipal Councils and the Conservatories, of various Real Estate belonging to the Party;
  1. b) We had the Financial Regulation of the Party approved, for a management more in line with the new times;
  1. c) We present, quarterly and in a management of absolute transparency, the Quarterly Balance Sheets.

At the level of the Parliamentary Group, whose Leadership we assumed from April 2016 to October 2018:

  1. a) We carry out Decentralized Journeys in all the Islands;
  1. b) We held Debates and Interpellations in the most diverse areas;
  1. c) We present 15 (fifteen) Draft Diplomas to Parliament, namely:

- Bill on Gender Parity

- Draft Resolution making recommendations for the State Budget for 2017

- Draft Resolution making Recommendations to the Government to face the bad agricultural year

- Draft law establishing the exclusive route of competition for filling or recruiting leading positions in the Civil Service

- Bill establishing the Worker-Student Statute

- Bill establishing the Statute of the Democratic Opposition, at the local level

- Bill that revises the Electoral Code

- Draft Law that establishes the Regime of Administrative Guardianship to which Municipalities are subject

- Draft law establishing the Financial Regime of Municipalities

- Bill approving the (new) Statute of Municipalities

- Draft Law on Administrative Regions

- Lie project that establishes the special process of regularization of the situation of citizens from ECOWAS, who are in the national territory without legal authorization in the country

- Lie Project establishing the new Privatization Regime

- Active Transparency Lie Project

- Bill that defines and establishes the status of small-scale agriculture

We took up the Fight and are proud of the path we have traveled in these three and a half years.

We didn't do everything. But, with the help of thousands of Militants and Friends, from the Structures and Cape Verdeans, we did the best we could and what we knew how!

For this very reason, we are once again taking up this fight and presenting our re-candidacy for the high and honorable position of President of the PAICV, because we believe that this is the way to regain the trust of Cape Verdeans!


WE ARE for a PAICV that puts the People's interests first!

WE ARE for a PAICV that rewards merit and competence!

WE ARE for a PAICV in which positions are earned through hard work, through recognition from the “Bases” and the Society, and in which no one thinks they have a captive place, without effort and without work!

WE ARE for a PAICV of the COUNTRY and for the COUNTRY!

We are for a PAICV with the PEOPLE! Ever!