The opposition considers that the return of TACVs to domestic flights is recognition of the error made by the Government

Representatives of the opposition parties, PAICV and UCID, respectively, today considered that the return of TACVs to domestic flights is recognition by the MpD Government of the “serious error” committed in transport policies.

Feb 28, 2024 - 03:57
Feb 28, 2024 - 04:00
 0  249
The opposition considers that the return of TACVs to domestic flights is recognition of the error made by the Government
The opposition considers that the return of TACVs to domestic flights is recognition of the error made by the Government

During the Directo ao Ponto program, today on RCV, deputy Démis Lobo Almeida, from the Cape Verde African Independence Party (PAICV), stated that it was the “clumsy, wrong, inconsistent, incompetent government measures” that led to the situation in that the country is currently facing an imminent disruption in domestic air transport links.

“And it is this imminent rupture that leads the Government to reach out and say that, after all, it made a very serious mistake. When you allow or give guidance to the TACV Board of Directors to move forward with wet leasing and bring an Air Senegal aircraft to make domestic flights in Cape Verde, you are extending your hand in the palm of your hand”, he said.

On the other hand, he stated that with this return the Government is proving right to the opposition parties who have always said that the flagship company should not leave the domestic market.

“PAICV always said that it was strategic, to have the flag company in the domestic market, that there should be competition, that there should be strong regulation, which the Government chose to weaken, to dismantle economic regulation and to significantly weaken technical regulation. operational”, he indicated.

“Therefore, it is the Government responsible for this situation, this arrival of the TACV to the domestic market is an act of recognition on the part of the Government that it made a clear mistake in its public policies for transport”, he added.

The deputy of the Independent Democratic Cape Verdean Union (UCID) António Monteiro, despite welcoming this return, also stated that this measure ends up demonstrating that the Executive has not been able to have predictability in its actions.

“It is good to remember that the person who removed the TACV from domestic lines was this same MpD Government. Being here taking a leap forward, then one back, then one to the side, doesn't look good. We have to be coherent and we have to have things properly organized so we know how far we are going, where we want to go and how we want to get there”, he highlighted.

Meanwhile, António Monteiro stressed that the important thing is that the country is able to establish a connection between the islands and be able to best serve the population with acceptable prices, since the tariff currently charged in the country is exaggerated.

The representative of the Movement for Democracy (MpD) on the program, deputy Vander Gomes, preferred to highlight the advantages of this return of the TACV to the domestic market and denied that there was a setback in the Government's policies.

“It is another alternative on the market to serve Cape Verdeans and those looking for the country, especially tourists who have increasingly sought out Cape Verde. And with all the prospects we have in terms of increasing this demand, we want to exceed one million tourists in the year 2024, but therefore we have to have the ability to provide satisfaction, in terms of the quality of the service provided at a domestic level” , he maintained.

The representative of the party that supports the Government stated that this measure will make it easier for Cabo Verde Airlines to transport its passengers who come from other countries, and will bring more competitiveness to the national market.

“So I don’t see it as a setback, and it’s certainly not a setback in government policies. It is a demonstration of great capacity. This government’s ability is to find quick and effective solutions”, he stated.

TACV returns to the domestic market, after seven years of withdrawal to dedicate itself exclusively to international flights. For this return, the flag company rented an ATR 72 600 from Air Senegal, which is authorized by the Civil Aeronautics Agency to carry out flights only to the airports of Praia, São Vicente, Sal and Boa Vista.