Earthquakes: PAICV “concerned” with “absence of authorities and signs of worsening” of the situation on Brava Island

PAICV deputy Clóvis Silva today expressed his “concern” about the situation of “frequent earthquakes” on the island of Brava and “absence of authorities” and called for greater Civil Protection intervention among the population.

Nov 21, 2023 - 16:18
Nov 20, 2023 - 16:20
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Earthquakes: PAICV “concerned” with “absence of authorities and signs of worsening” of the situation on Brava Island
Earthquakes: PAICV “concerned” with “absence of authorities and signs of worsening” of the situation on Brava Island

The deputy elected on the lists of the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV) for the constituency of Brava Island spoke at a press conference to address issues inherent to the island, having expressed himself “concerned” with the way in which the national authorities, “ responsible for responding to the crisis situation in Brava”, has been dealing with the population.

“And these days life on Brava Island has been one of great security concern, since last October 30th. In our history we know that Brava suffers from earthquakes of small magnitude, however, in very few situations these seismic shocks left the population in panic due to damage to homes and the population having to sleep outside for fear of collapses or damage to their home,” he said.

According to Clóvis Silva, there are signs of worsening, due to the intensity and spread of the events, stressing that the intensity justifies much more than a warning to the population to leave their homes whenever they feel earthquakes.

“The population of Brava needs encouragement, they need the presence of National Authorities, and sufficient technical and human capacity, which deal with Civil Protection, on the Island. Community leaders do not have any information or training to deal with a situation that requires intervention among the population”, he stated.

Taking into account that the issue of earthquakes has persisted, he highlighted, there is a need for the population to be informed as urgently as possible about what and how to do, in case of more serious situations.

“We need to know if there is a Contingency Plan and an Evacuation Plan in case it is necessary, at least if it exists and at least the part that is applicable to the communities is given knowledge so that they know what to do. It makes no sense for us to continue to let panic set in with each shock and not carry out any intervention to train the population to prepare”, he stressed.

Clóvis Silva defended the need to focus on recruiting more technicians for the earthquake control sector, highlighting that the PAICV is also concerned about the fact that the National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics (INMG), which is the national authority in the field of seismology, with headquarters on the island of Sal, and delegations in other parts of the country, to have only one technician responsible for all tasks.

“This single person has to monitor earthquakes of volcanic origin throughout the country, install the systems in the stations, he himself determines the equipment to be purchased and installed, he also has to maintain the programs and also that We have to analyze scientific data”, he asked.

“And we already knew this since the other activity that took place in 2015, which shows that, if today more than eight years later we are still in the same situation, it is more than necessary that the authorities are called upon to act, because the population is to feel alone and helpless,” she added.

In this sense, he called for “greater intervention” from local and national authorities in order to provide updated information and support the population of Brava Island at this time of concern.