Parliament: Opposition warns that OGE 2021 has a strong electoral bias
The State Budget (OE) for 2021, estimated at 78 billion escudos (40.1% GDP), was today classified as “electoral” by the opposition (PAICV), while the MpD (power) considers the same “determinant for the recovery and economic recovery” of Cape Verde.

The State Budget (OE) for 2021, estimated at 78 billion escudos (40.1% GDP), was today classified as “electoral” by the opposition (PAICV), while the MpD (power) considers the same “determinant for the recovery and economic recovery” of Cape Verde.
The leader of the Parliamentary Group of the largest opposition party considered that the document, under discussion in parliament, "as it is designed, does not seem to have the answers" to structure these reforms "so fundamental to guarantee the sustainability of the country's path" and, at the same time, at the same time, “to guarantee a healthy governance in these islands”.
For Rui Semedo quoted by Inforpress, the OE'2021 arises in a “particular context of uncertainties and unpredictability”, but also of “many temptations”, because it is “in the pre-campaign period with a majority of all sensors aimed at the legislatures”.
According to the same source, the parliamentary leader of the African Independence Party of Cape Verde (PAICV) also said that the context “does not favor” taking measures with “rationality and common sense”, as the situation in the country “requires”, not to compromise or mortgage the future of Cape Verde
The promises announced on Wednesday, 25, by the head of government, warned Rui Semedo quoted by Inforpress, "clearly demonstrate" that the Government "is more concerned with the elections than with the situation in the country".
In this case, he exemplified with the fact that the houses of the Casas para Todos Project "are only now coming to deserve the attention of the executive", who wants "at all costs to get rid of them", in a "perspective of matter to influence voters".
António Monteiro, from the parliamentary representation of the Independent and Democratic Cabo Verdean Union (UCID), stated that the OE'2021 "is very far" from guaranteeing employment to Cape Verdeans and from the "promise made in 2016", and that it is " yet another budget that leaves thousands and thousands of young and middle-aged people without jobs.
Considering that the OE'2021 should “prize to bring solutions to people”, especially “employment for income”, António Monteiro stressed that “unfortunately it will not bring happiness to people”, it already “forgets sectors as important as fisheries and agriculture” .
“This budget seeks to respond to electoral ambitions. That is why I ask the majority to accept the proposals so that the UCID gives its favorable vote”, concluded the UCID deputy quoted by Inforpress.
MpD refutes opposition and says OGE 2021 guarantees economic recovery
Reacting to the aforementioned criticisms, the leader of the parliamentary group of the Movement for Democracy (MpD, power), who accused Rui Semedo of “inciting violence” with his speech. Joana Rosa said that the OE'2021 proposal prioritizes post-covid-19 security, economic recovery and the relaunch of tourism, the commitment to digital Cape Verde and electronic governance.
The deputy fan also revealed that the OE'2021 reinforces the consolidation of democracy, transparency in the management of public resources and the reduction of current expenses for the operation of the public machine by 6 percent (%) and will respond to the needs of the country , especially in programs and projects aimed at “those who need it most”.
Joana Rosa revealed that the OE'2021 should, on the other hand, be considered as the result of an "extraordinary situation" resulting from additional costs resulting from the health crisis and counter-cyclical measures, in the face of the economic recession, clarifying that this proposal will constitute one of the main instruments for a new post-pandemic stage.
“A stage of restructuring and recovery, continuing the implementation of policies and measures that are the basis of the Government's program to regain and reinforce the values, jobs and prospects destroyed by the covid-19 pandemic”, considered the same source.
He also noted that this budget proposal is committed to increasing expenditure on projects, investments and budgetary units, with emphasis on social expenditure, continuous improvement in health services, such as transforming all health centers into police stations and completing the construction process of the national hospital, among other “indispensable initiatives” for health, concludes Inforpress.