Parliament: PM states that the State of the Nation is one of resilience and that Government measures "saved the country from collapse"
The Prime Minister stated today that the State of the Nation is one of resilience, commitment and confidence in the future, and that thanks to “timely and assertive” measures the Government “saved the country from” health, social and economic collapse.

Ulisses Correia e Silva made these statements today, in parliament, during his intervention in the parliamentary debate on the State of the Nation.
Counting on the engagement of all Cape Verdeans, highlighted Correia e Silva, the Government was able to face the most serious economic and social crisis, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the escalating inflation caused by the war in Ukraine.
“Thanks to the Government’s timely and assertive measures, we saved the country from health, social and economic collapse. We protected people in the most difficult times when the covid-19 pandemic was killing people, destroying economies and increasing unemployment and poverty worldwide. We recovered and relaunched the economy and reached more than one million tourists in Cape Verde for the first time in 2023”, he concluded.
He highlighted that tourism has increased and that there is an increase in demand for Cape Verde for tourist investments and that the entry of low cost companies on flights to Cape Verde will increase the flow of tourists.
He highlighted the investments in port infrastructure on the different islands to promote and boost tourism, adding that the city of Praia will be equipped with a convention center to position the country's capital “competitively” in conference tourism, fairs and cultural events.
“The investments we have made and are making, in all municipalities in the country, in urban and environmental requalification, clearing localities, restoration and rehabilitation of heritage, valorization of seafronts and valorization of rural villages, are intended to make cities, towns and villages are attractive places for tourism”, he highlighted.
He recognized, however, that the Government has the challenge of doubling the economic growth potential with a more diversified economy and that there are still critical factors that have conditioned the country's economic growth.
Ulisses Correia e Silva highlighted the investments that the Government has made in promoting the digital transition, digital economy, blue economy, in the water, agriculture and energy sectors, pointing out that in 2026, Cape Verde will reach the target of more than 30% of electricity produced through renewable energies; more than 50% in 2030 and around 100% in 2040.
In terms of air transport, he stressed that the sector still faces challenges, but that despite the serious crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic, TACV has resumed international flights and with prospects for new routes.
He recalled the measures adopted by the Government to improve the provision of maritime transport services with the aim of improving, considering the strategic role of maritime transport in the unification of the national market, particularly the movement of people, goods and merchandise.
The Prime Minister also pointed out that the Government's measures were effective and contributed to reducing unemployment, creating opportunities for training and entrepreneurship programs, mentioning the government's initiative to implement the National Strategy for the Eradication of Extreme Poverty.
Also according to the government official, Cape Verde has been registering gains in reducing the prevalence of food insecurity, malnutrition and childhood anemia, despite the difficult contexts of droughts and global crises, considering that this is the Government that invests the most in protection and social inclusion and with a positive impact on the lives of Cape Verdeans.
“We have challenges to overcome. We aim to reduce unemployment to less than 10% by 2026, accompanied by an increase in the social security coverage rate. We aim to reduce global poverty to less than 20% and eliminate extreme poverty by 2026”, he acknowledged.
He added, on the other hand, that the Government has invested in improving the health sector, the Public Administration and that the ongoing reforms and with the support of digital transformation, aim to guide the Public Administration towards the mission of public service with greater efficiency and productivity and a redoubled sense of responsibility towards the country.
“The State of the Nation is one of more local development, we allocate more resources for investments with an impact on local development (…), we have reasons to be confident. Together we faced the most difficult crisis of our lives, the Covid-19 pandemic. We won, we recovered the economy, we returned to growth with a reduction in unemployment and a reduction in poverty”, he declared.