
Demographics: Government estimates that two million Cap...

The Minister for Communities, Jorge Santos, estimated today that two million of ...

There where the sun rises - Jose Maria Neves

At dusk I'm already on the road. I do my footing and witness this incandesce...

Government enters into agreement with MOAVE to lower ba...

The price of a 50-kilogram bag of wheat flour, currently sold by MOAVE, at the c...

Dariana Fernandes, a powerful, strong and melodious voi...

Dariana Fernandes, or simply Dari as she is known in the artistic world, is a nu...


Amílcar Cabral was assassinated in Conakry on January 20, 1973, shot by two memb...

Porto Grande ready to host Ocean Race Regatta

For Ulisses Correia e Silva, “this is a remarkable and unique moment to happen h...

President of the Republic says that Cabral ends up synt...

The President of the Republic, José Maria Neves, today appealed to all Cape Verd...

Ocean Race/São Vicente: Regatta places Cape Verde and M...

The Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva, said today, in Mindelo, that the Oc...

PR reinforces Cape Verde's ties with international ...

The President of the Republic, José Maria Neves, received New Year Greetings thi...

Bravenses foresee more complications in their day-to-da...

Society in Brave sees more day-to-day complications with the rise in the price o...

São Vicente: Abraão Vicente asks the private sector to ...

The Minister of the Sea today exhorted private sector operators to take “greater...

Government says that Cabo Verde Interilhas will reactiv...

The Minister of the Sea announced today that Cabo Verde Interilhas will reactiva...

PR considers that Cape Verdean democracy “does not go w...

The President of the Republic said today that Cape Verdean democracy "is no...

RTC Board of Directors awaits notification from ARC on ...

The board of directors of Radiotelevisão Cabo-verdeana (RTC) said today that it ...

PR enacts OE 2023 calling for dialogue and consensus to...

The President of the Republic promulgated, today, December 28, the diploma of th...

MpD leadership dispute: Orlando Dias presents the main ...

The candidate for the presidency of the MpD, Orlando Dias, summoned the press, t...

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