rava/Autárquicas 2020: MpD candidate “expectant” to continue the projects and “transform” the island

The candidate of the Movement for Democracy (MpD) for the presidency of the city council of Brava, Francisco Tavares, said that his “ambition” is to continue the work done so far and the implementation of the Sustainable Municipal Strategic Plan of Brava.

Jun 17, 2020 - 05:57
Sep 3, 2023 - 05:40
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rava/Autárquicas 2020: MpD candidate “expectant” to continue the projects and “transform” the island
rava/Autárquicas 2020: MpD candidate “expectant” to continue the projects and “transform” the island

The candidate of the Movement for Democracy (MpD) for the presidency of the city council of Brava, Francisco Tavares, said that his “ambition” is to continue the work done so far and the implementation of the Sustainable Municipal Strategic Plan of Brava.

Francisco Tavares, current mayor of Brava, said that the “greatest objective is to win the next elections” to continue the “structural projects” for the island, work on solving the problems that still affect the region and implement, “in force ”, Brava's Sustainable Municipal Strategic Plan.

Speaking to Inforpress, the mayor recalled that the plan was drawn up during this mandate, within the scope of the Plataforma program, adding that the macro lines and major programs to be developed had already been defined.

In addition to the projects already listed, Francisco Tavares guaranteed that he will continue to “battle” so that the island has “special attention”, so that the conditions of the health care delivery system are substantially improved.

He also stressed that he is "very expectant and contributory" to see the implementation of the large desalination plant on Brava, which will "solve" the water problem on the island.

The mayor also emphasized that winning another term will allow him to “work and see the beginning” of the project for the gradual transformation of Brava into what would be a sustainable island in the medium term.

In the face of these concerns, he said that his “dedication will continue to be total to the cause of the island”, justifying that he has predisposed to another mandate because he believes that Brava is “at such a turning point that it would be necessary to continue on this same path”.

He added that if he deserves the confidence of the people of Brave, "many issues will be resolved" in the next four years, pointing out the problem of social housing and urban requalification and the creation of conditions for more investment by the private sector as relevant.

The mayor underlined that, in partnership with the Government and the private sector, each within its own area, Brava will be “better and better”.

Asked about compliance with the Parity Law, he explained that this law implies a list with at least 40 percent (%) of one sex and 60 percent (%) of the other.

He added that the city council of Brava is made up of 60 percent (%) females and 40 percent (%) males and that in making the list they will “scrupulously comply” with the law.

The Movement for Democracy (MpD), the ruling party, has already presented the candidates for this year's municipal elections, with 22 men at the head of the list in as many municipalities, but no woman appears to be at the head of the list for this year's municipal elections in the country.

The president of the Cape Verdean Institute for Gender Equality and Equity (ICIEG), Rosana Almeida, has already shown her dissatisfaction "with the political signal given" with the absence of women as heads of lists for local authorities in the ruling party

The first lady of Cape Verde, Lígia Fonseca, also considered that the MpD) had the “moral and political duty” to integrate women as heads of lists in the local councils.