The PAICV Regional Political Committee in Brava, following the last meeting to assess the social situation resulting from the recent rains, hereby appeals to the Local and Central Government, the following:
1. It is necessary that an emergency plan be communicated to the population so that disasters can be prevented and damage to people and property avoided, which has not yet been carried out, which is why pedagogical intervention is called for, mainly from Civil Protection;
2. Since the critical points resulting from the existing damage and the affected populations have already been identified, we call for exemption from public authorities so that they do not distinguish between people according to their party color;
3. It is extremely important that in the future, licenses for construction in valleys and rivers are granted more carefully, in order to guarantee greater safety for the population, a fact that has been evident with the recent damage caused by rain.
4. This Commission also draws the attention of the City Council due to the fact that it does not have the appropriate instruments to restore the condition of roads and roads, and to help the owners, knowing that they actually existed in the municipality, but were sold, namely backhoe loader, “Bulldozer ” and a “Dampa” despite successive warnings from the population, it now appears that they are in fact greatly missed, which justifies their being acquired again, demonstrating a lack of governance vision.
5. This committee also extends this alert to the authorities for the access road to Fajã D´água, so that the Public Power, namely the City Council, the Government and the Roads Institute can find an alternative route more quickly, as this is not the case. The mere opening of a road, which has been successively damaged by the rains, was not enough.
The population of Brava needs more attention from the Local and Central Government.
Nova Sintra, September 12, 2023
The PAICV da Brava Regional Political Commission