Start of the political year: Head of State consults Political Parties on the national political situation
It's official. The President of the Republic, José Maria Neves, receives this Tuesday, October 3rd at the Palácio de Platô, representatives of the three Political Parties with parliamentary seats in Cape Verde (MpD, PAICV, UCID). The initiative is part of the start of the new Political Year and aims to listen to the aforementioned political formations about the national political situation.

«The Head of State wants to listen to these important actors in the national political system and learn about their views and perspectives on relevant issues that impact the population and life of the country globally» , reads the note sent to Asemanaonline.
According to the defined program, José Maria Neves begins the hearings with the consultation, at 9:30 am, via video conference, of the delegation of the Independent and Democratic Cape Verdean Union, (UCID, opposition), led by its president, João Santos Luís. Now at around 10:30 am it receives the delegation of the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde, (PAICV, largest Opposition party), led by its leader, Rui Semedo.
These rounds of hearings for the Head of State of Cape Verde end at 11:30, with a meeting with the delegation of the Movement for Democracy, (MpD, in power), which will be headed by the party's secretary general, Luís Carlos Silva.
the week