Teachers threaten to block second quarter grades with support from Sindprof, SINDEP counters with general strike

The majority of teachers are determined, according to the National Teaching Center, to block grades for the second quarter, as a way of putting pressure on the Ministry of Education to respond to their demands regarding salary, promotions and subsidies linked to increased costs. The National Union of Teachers (SINDEP) suggests, however, a general strike, as it has legal support that the initiative to block student grades may be illegal.

Mar 17, 2024 - 16:07
Mar 17, 2024 - 16:10
 0  247
Teachers threaten to block second quarter grades with support from Sindprof, SINDEP counters with general strike
Teachers threaten to block second quarter grades with support from Sindprof, SINDEP counters with general strike

According to Inforpress, the announcement was made this Friday at a press conference, in Praia, by the representative of the National Teachers' Center, Aleida Semedo, and which was attended by the president of the Democratic Teachers' Union (Sindprof), Libya Herbert.

" The teachers are determined not to place the two assessments in the system this quarter until the Ministry of Education meets with interested parties and presents viable and tangible solutions, which are in line with the proposals made and the demands presented ", he announced.

For the teachers' spokesperson, this is a struggle in search of professional and human dignity, as well as more recognition, more appreciation and, above all, "a true and proactive reaction from the country's authorities ".

"This fight (...) is no different from any other, nor is it outside the current context or reality of the country. Everyone has followed the investments made with a view to dignifying other sectors, while we are neglected and worn out ", noted Aleida Semedo, for whom class has been the target of "mockery".

For the National Teachers' Center, the Ministry of Education has been dragging out problems and solutions, resolving short-form issues that do not involve costs, with the aim of " deceiving" society and the unwary.

"We have been in negotiations through the unions for a long time and we still only have wind in our hands. Only a minority of the class has been covered, as we continue to have no answers to demands for salary, promotions and subsidies linked to increased costs " , denounced.

Faced with this situation, which teachers classify as " neglect " of supervision and the absence of a " decent" counter-proposal, they decided to block students' grades this quarter.

" At this moment this is our form of struggle. It seems to us to be the only means found to demonstrate our displeasure, our dissatisfaction and our revolt ", justifies, according to Inforpress, the National Teachers' Center, ensuring that it counts with the support of the majority of teachers.

In turn, Lígia Herbert guaranteed that SINDPROF supports all forms of teachers' struggle as long as they are legitimate, demonstrating, however, that it is open and available for new negotiations.

The president of SINDEP has a very different reading; who warned, in a meeting with the press, " that the initiative of not giving grades to students could be illegal", in accordance with the legal opinion it has in its possession. Jorge Cardoso suggested, in contrast, a general strike that does not affect teachers individually. According to him, teachers who do not give grades to students run the risk of being subject to disciplinary proceedings, in addition to not receiving their salary on the days or during the period in which they did not give grades to students.

Given the situation described above, The leader of SINDEP calls for more prudence and repair between the different unions that represent teachers in legal forms of struggle to defend themselves in defense of the interests of the class, without harming them in their careers and in receiving their salaries .

Sindprof calls for negotiations to resume

"We once again reiterate our willingness and total availability to return to the table for new negotiations, if the Ministry of Education demonstrates good will and common sense", stressed Lígia Herbert.

However, he warned that without progression and proposals for teachers, Sindprof will not give up on resolving pending issues, including, as he detailed, salary equality with that of private staff.

Sindprof, according to president Lígia Herbert, had declared to Inforpress, that it presented a proposal requesting a salary increase from 78,678 escudos to 107,471 escudos in base salary, but it was not accepted in the last meeting with the Ministry of Education and the General Directorate of Labor.

Among the demands, the teachers ask for the completion of reclassifications, automatic promotion, regularization of the granting of subsidies for non-reduction in workload until 2024, improvement of the careers of masters, doctors and university professors, regularization of the careers of kindergarten teachers, regularization of teacher transition process and review of the Teaching Staff Career Statute.