The lack of unity among Bravenses resulting in dispersion of resources, time and effort

Brava Island, located in the Cape Verde archipelago, is known for its natural beauty and rich culture, but it also faces significant challenges such as a lack of resources and opportunities. A problem that has perpetuated these challenges is the lack of unity among Brazilians emigrated from the four corners of the world, which often manifests itself in the dispersion of resources, time and effort in a myriad of small groups and initiatives. This dispersion of resources has limited the effectiveness of the actions undertaken to transform the island. This article explores the impacts of this fragmentation and argues that consolidating efforts could generate more significant results.

Oct 7, 2023 - 05:56
Oct 7, 2023 - 04:30
 0  132
The lack of unity among Bravenses resulting in dispersion of resources, time and effort
The lack of unity among Bravenses resulting in dispersion of resources, time and effort

One of the striking features of the Ilha Brava emigrant community is the presence of numerous local and regional groups dedicated to various causes, including support for the church, health, education, sport, people with disabilities and the sick. While these groups may have laudable intentions and are motivated to improve life on the island, the proliferation of so many independent organizations has resulted in the dispersion of financial resources, time and effort. Each group often seeks funding separately, which leads to competition for limited resources and duplication of efforts.

The lack of unity and coordination between these groups has a direct impact on the effectiveness of local initiatives. Instead of concentrating resources on strategic and far-reaching projects, people from Brava often find themselves in a race to raise funds and carry out small, isolated activities. This results in a series of fragmented projects, which are not linked together and, ultimately, with limited effects on the island's transformation.

The solution to this problem may lie in consolidating efforts. Imagine the impact that could be achieved if the various support groups came together into a single comprehensive organization, capable of coordinating and directing resources more efficiently. This would allow for a more strategic approach to the issues facing Ilha Brava, ensuring that available resources are directed towards higher impact projects.

One point to be considered is the importance of sending aid to Ilha Brava. It is estimated that more than one million dollars arrives on the island annually in the form of financial aid from Braves living abroad. However, despite these significant resource inflows, tangible results in transforming the island have been limited. This further highlights the need for a more structured and unified approach to utilizing these funds.

At this crucial time in Brava Island's history, it is imperative that everyone, especially the leaders of respective groups and initiatives, seriously consider the possibility of coming together as one. It is undeniable that the objectives of all these groups are fundamentally the same: to improve the quality of life and well-being of the resident Brava community. The island's history is marked by notable initiatives, such as AmiDjabraba, Friends and Godparents of so many schools, Church and Hospital Support Group, Marly Foundation and now Fidjus de Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Monte em Ação. Furthermore, we cannot forget the friends who support local teams, like Sporting and Morabeza, etc.

It is worth looking at the past and considering the lessons it offers us. When we observe the achievements of groups such as AmiDjabraba, friends of Escola da Brava, Ondas de Mar de Furna, Escola Materna Nossa Senhora do Monte and Fundação Marly, we realize that, although they have done remarkable work in their fields of activity, the lack of coordination and fragmentation of efforts still limit their maximum potential. Imagine the impact we could have if all of these groups came together under a single banner and a single mission.

Unity is a powerful force that can drive significant change. When Braves unite around a common goal, they can focus their resources, time and effort more effectively. The creation of a unified organization would allow for the identification of clear priorities and the strategic allocation of resources to projects that have the potential to make a transformative impact on the island.

They say it's unlikely that it's possible to unite everyone behind the same cause and the same goals, but as we advance into the 21st century, new technologies have played a fundamental role in transforming how people communicate and connect. Today, instant communication and online collaboration are more accessible than ever. It is important to recognize that, with the advent of new technologies, it has become faster and more effective to make contacts and connections, regardless of geographic distance. This reality opens a valuable window of opportunity for the unification of the people of Brava.

Social networks, instant messaging apps and online collaboration platforms allow people around the world to connect, share ideas and coordinate efforts efficiently. This means that people living in different parts of the world can engage in strategic discussions, share experiences and ideas, and plan joint actions without the need for frequent physical meetings.

We can see examples of global success where unified efforts and online collaboration have generated notable results. International organizations such as the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders have demonstrated the effectiveness of global coordination to achieve humanitarian objectives. While the scale and challenges are different, the fundamental lesson is that unity and cooperation can overcome barriers and maximize impact.

Brava Island faces specific challenges that can be addressed more effectively through unity and collaboration. Education, health, economic development and infrastructure are areas that can benefit significantly from the coordination of efforts and resources. With the new technologies available, people from Brava have the opportunity to build solid and effective connections between emigrants and residents, regardless of where they are in the world.

Considering that more than one million dollars arrive on Brava Island annually in the form of aid from emigrants for social causes, it is essential that these resources are used efficiently and productively. The creation of a unified and transparent organization would allow for tighter control and effective accountability in the use of these funds. This would ensure that remittances from emigrants translate into tangible results that directly benefit the Brava community.

One of the most effective ways to channel resources and coordinate efforts is to establish strategic partnerships between local organizations and civil society. The Brava City Council, the local Red Cross and the Delegation of Ministries have a fundamental role to play in managing the aid that arrives on the island. By working together with civil society leaders, they can create a robust and efficient collaboration platform.

Brava City Council plays a central role in managing resources and implementing local policies. By establishing partnerships with civil society groups, the chamber can ensure a more inclusive and holistic approach to resource allocation. This involves identifying the island's most pressing needs, setting development goals, and overseeing the implementation of projects that positively impact the community.

The local Red Cross and Delegation of Ministries have significant experience in responding to crises and meeting humanitarian needs. By working collaboratively with civil society groups, they can channel financial and human resources into projects to support health, education, social assistance and community development. Your experience can help ensure that aid is targeted efficiently and that results are measurable.

The inclusion of civil society leaders is critical to ensuring that the needs and desires of the community are adequately represented. They play a critical role in identifying local priorities, setting realistic goals, and providing accountability for actions taken. Collaboration between civil society leaders and government organizations can result in more effective and sustainable solutions to the problems facing Ilha Brava.

One of the keys to the success of this collaboration is transparency and accountability. All parties involved must be committed to disclosing how resources are allocated and how projects are progressing. This will not only strengthen community trust in the organizations involved, but also allow for continuous adjustments to maximize impact.

Effective management of aid arriving on Brava Island requires a collaborative approach that involves government organizations, such as the Brava City Council, the local Red Cross and the Delegation of Ministries, as well as civil society leaders. Working together, they can coordinate efforts, allocate resources efficiently and ensure that aid has a lasting impact on the Brava community. Brava Island has a bright future, and the unity of all sectors of society is the key to achieving its full potential. It's time to act, collaborate and transform Brava Island into an even more prosperous and vibrant place.

The lack of unity among the people of Brava has led to the dispersion of resources, time and effort, damaging Ilha Brava's ability to face its challenges and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. Consolidating efforts and creating a unified organization that coordinates local initiatives can result in more effective use of available resources. With considerable financial assistance from emigrants, the island has the potential to transform its reality significantly. Therefore, it is essential that the Brava community reconsiders its approach and works together to achieve more tangible and lasting results.

Brava Island has incredible human potential to transform its reality and improve the lives of its inhabitants. However, the lack of unity among the people of Brava has been a significant obstacle to achieving this potential. This is the time to reflect on past achievements and recognize that together we can achieve so much more. We appeal to everyone, especially the leaders of existing groups, to consider the possibility of uniting under a single banner, a single organization that coordinates efforts towards a common goal: a more prosperous, healthy and educated Ilha Brava. The time to act is now, and unity is the path to progress.

Moises Santiago

Pawtucket, October 7, 2023