With Lula's release, while part of Brazilians and part of the international community celebrate, the powers that be have not disarmed and continue to persecute Lula.

With Lula's release, while part of Brazilians and part of the international community celebrate, the powers that be have not disarmed and continue to persecute Lula.
A movement is under way to revise the Constitution of the Republic of Brazil, aiming to change the device that enshrines that arrest should only occur after the final decision (all appeals have been exhausted).
They want to change the Constitution and establish that the arrest must occur after the conviction in the second instance, which until yesterday was the jurisprudence of the STF, but now revised and which paved the way for Lula's release.
They want to present the proposed amendment to the Constitution as early as Tuesday and if they meet the constitutional requirements for revision, it will be appreciated and voted on by the House of National Congress, which requires a majority of 3/5 of the members (Article 60 of the Constitution).
In another instance, the Regional Court of the 4th. Region (TRF-4) scheduled Lula's judgment for the 27th of November, referring to the Atibaia site process, in appeal refusal. In this process, Lula was convicted in the first instance.