Unavailability of places Brava-Praia leaves bravens out of national athletics – associative president
The president of the Regional Athletics Association of Brava (ARAB), João Paulo Silva, clarified, today, in Nova Sintra, that the non-participation of athletes from Brava in the national championship is due to the “unavailability of places” in Brava – Praia.

Speaking to the press, this official explained that since the 25th of July he had been working in conjunction with the secretary and vice-president of the Cabo Verdean Athletics Federation, who did everything to ensure that the athletes from Brave participated in the national event, which took place in the city of Praia, on the 5th and 6th of August, but it was not possible.
“We signed up three athletes and a coach to accompany the caravan, but unfortunately, due to logistical and transport problems, it was not possible for athletes from the island to participate”, he stressed, stressing that the athletes should travel to Praia on the 3rd. de Agosto, but given the impossibility of getting seats on the ship, José Semedo, Walter Felicidade and Aguinaldo Gonçalves were unable to leave Brava.
Taking into account these situations that always happen on the island, especially during this holiday period, João Paulo Silva was asked why they had not sought tickets in advance, he explained that the federation communicated about the holding of these tests in a note sent to ARAB around the 20th to the 21st of July.
“The ARAB then proceeded with sending the list and registration of the athletes who would participate in the competitions, but after all the process and effort, it was not possible for these athletes to participate”, he added.
João Paulo Silva considered this situation to be “demotivating” not only for the athletes, but also for the association, ensuring that they will continue to work and prepare for other opportunities.
The president of the ARAB also warned the federation about the need to schedule these events well in advance in order to allow the participation of athletes from all islands.
The National Athletics 2022/2023 was disputed in the disciplines of 100, 200, 400, 800, 1,500, 3,000 and 5,000 meters, 4×100 meters relay, mixed and long jump and involved athletes from all sporting regions except the island angry.