The artist from Brava Vuca Pinheiro, in his quest to not let Brava folklore fall into oblivion, launches in the USA, on October 21, 2023, two CDs dedicated to Ilha Brava, with new songs and two re-recordings.

Oct 10, 2023 - 04:47
Oct 10, 2023 - 04:50
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On the first CD " Ilha Brava Ilha Formosa ", he managed to bring together eleven singers to give voice to several unreleased songs from Ilha das Flores, including the "Hino Bravense" written by Eugénio Tavares.




Lyrics and music by

Eugénio Tavares


O brave beloved, my nest in bloom,

O little and humble Brava!

Once crowned with fire and lava,

Today your nimbus is our love!


Creole land, native land,

- Size and shape of a heart! -

May God keep you from all evil,

May Evil roar around you in vain.


Daughter of lava and daughter of the sea,

That the lava warms and the sea kisses,

Your soul, O Brave, as if it flutters,

Dream wing loose in the air.


You never calmed down in the storm

The candid candles of clear hope,

You never stopped, in the good times,

To be strong and sweet like longing!




Your children love the wide sea,

The sea that takes them and brings them from space

You cry, if you leave so you don't come back,

You sing, they come back to your lap!


In the theme "Djabraba Ilha Formosa" (which lent its name to the CD), Vuca Pinheiro calls on the people of Brava to proclaim the cultural specificities and natural beauty of the island that saw him born.




Lyrics and music by

Vuca Pinheiro


Alou bravens, let's all celebrate

With an open chest, heart racing,

The nature of this unique festival

That makes us proud, enchanting and proud.


Alou braveness let us all proclaim

There is no more beautiful island and there cannot be,

Let us sing about our people, our uniqueness,

Nhô Roque and nhô Tatai, our unique climate,

Saint John the patron saint, the mast and the flag,

Our sailors and our emigration.


Djabraba beautiful island, unique,

Here planted in our hearts,

No matter how much they delay you in this life

You are the most beautiful, the most charming, the happiest.


You are the charm that takes us

Amid the mists of longing and hope.

Our traditions, our unique folklore,

The island of poets, of thousands of flowers and charms,

The June festivities, all of this is tradition

Lasted in our hearts.


Other themes included on the CD:


01 Brava Terra De Morabeza (Vuca Pinheiro) - Fátima Évora, Djuta Barros, Coral Bravense, Vuca Pinheiro

02 Flowers of Cantero (Rodrigo Peres / José Medina) - Coral Bravense

03 'N Bá Cleaver 'Spiabo (João José Nunes / José Medina) - Armando de Pina

04 Djabraba Formosa Island (Vuca Pinheiro) - Vuca Pinheiro

05 Anthem Bravense (Eugénio Tavares) - Sandra Andrade

06 Queen (Daniel G. Rosa / Nhô Beto) - Armando de Pina

07 'N Crebo Cumâ Bo Crê'm (Rodrigo Peres / José Medina) - Tiffany Enos

08 March of the Old Guard (Welcome Leitão / Vuca Pinheiro) - Coral Bravense, Vuca Pinheiro

09 Bu 'Sta Dixam Mi Só (José de Bibi / Djedjinho ) - Coral Bravense

10 Catchor Ca Ta Bite Moon (Rodrigo Peres) - João Alfredo (Féfe)

11 Nha Princess (José MF Pinheiro / Jacinto Lamas) - Armando de Pina

12 Pair Swap (José G. Sousa - Fuca / Hilário Fortes / Mano di Fidjinha di Penha) - Coral Bravense

13 Morna Frank Martins (João José Nunes / José Medina) - Samuel Santiago

14 Titinha (Nhô Djeca / Hilário Galvão) - Coral Bravense



The second CD " Bandolins da Ilha Brava ", which had the participation of Vuca Pinheiro playing Mandolin, Violin, Acoustic Guitar and percussion, Djick Oliveira on Guitar Accompaniment and Pulan Miranda on Viola 12 Cordas, included the following themes:


01 Morna Niní Alfama (DR)

02 Nhô Gobernador (Jorge Barbosa/José Medina)

03 Mazurka (Popular)

04 Combersa Co Lua (Eugénio Tavares)

05 Manchê Ca Crê Manchê (Popular)

06 Nhô Dotor Djudjú (Cristiano José Pereira -Nho Taninho-)

07 Bai de Djabraba (DR)

08 Totoi Nhô Djon Fontana (Popular)

09 Fedagosa (Popular)

Rescuing the memory of Braga has always been one of the goals I set for my journey along the Cape Verdean musical path, since the release of my first album in 1985 (exclusively by “mornas” from Braga) to the present day.

After successive albums released in the years 1987, 1993, 1996, 2001, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2018, always privileging Brave and Cape Verdean culture, I couldn't help but reissue one of the facets of the Brave music scene, very little cultivated in the other islands, which is that of mandolin solos. In this recording, with the aim of catapulting our ears back to a certain era of Brava's musicality, I basically sought to interpret the same songs that were played at that time on this wonderful and “sui generis” instrument, always seeking to maintain and preserve the genuine form of musical interpretation of those times. The solo (mandolin) and accompaniment (guitar and viola), plus the violin and very light percussion also had the purpose of “bringing” this beautiful golden age of Brava culture up to the present day.

As can be seen in the cover photograph, the Trupe Musical Bravense, founded by Eugénio Tavares, was made up of mandolins, violins, acoustic guitars, banjos and Portuguese guitars.



Artists participating in both CDs



Armando de Pina, João Alfredo (Féfe), Coral Bravense (formed by Angela Pesare, Lica Gomes and Lucy Fonseca), Vuca Pinheiro, Fátima Évora, Samuel Santiago, Djuta Duarte, Tiffany Enos and Sandra Andrade.



Vuca Pinheiro, NhelaSax, Zé Timas, Danny Carvalho, Samuel Santiago, Zezé Barbosa, Djim Job, Kalú Monteiro, Tony Azevedo, Ney Miranda, Djick Oliveira and Pulan Miranda.