I am not from Fogo, but from Galinheiro

I am not from Fogo, but from Galinheiro.This is how one identifies the man who was born in the village of rooster 30 hen 40 in the North of S. Filipe Municipality.

Sep 5, 2019 - 05:51
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I am not from Fogo, but from Galinheiro

I am not from Fogo, but from Galinheiro.This is how one identifies the man who was born in the village of rooster 30 hen 40 in the North of S. Filipe Municipality.

A village he left in 1963, he arrives in the United States to join his father with whom he already played ukulele and guitar still in Cabo Verde.

In 1966 he accompanied his father on musical gatherings.

In 1969 he had the privilege of accompanying the historic Bana touring America with Taninho Evora and others.

It was the foundation of historic Matchona music group, alongside well-known Jean Da Lomba, Mike Costa, Lourenco and Malaquias in 1972, even before the later contribution of Johnny Teixeira, Tudji, Tony Oscar and Djosinha an artist who admires and who encouraged him to sing.

Matchona, a group that marked an epoch in the community left their legacy on LP recorded on a California tour.

In 1979 forms the Do Canto Brothers with the brothers.The musical odyssey continued with the Contratempo groups and later the Jam Band. 1985 he recorded “Cabo Verde Tropical Poem” with conductor Paulino Vieira. 1987 he was part of more than 50 artists who participated in the “Help-CV” Project “Peace and Unity” also under the orchestration of Paulino Vieira .

In 1991 he appears in a group of artists who participated in CD “Lembransa’l Mudansa.with Ramiro Mendes.

He later participated in album of violinist Linkin “Talaia Baixu” before participating in a track of the album Gardenia Benros along with Talulu and Pepe Bana.

Several times honored Quirino is an artist who collaborates in the main activities of the community and is a cultural activist who joined the independence movement as early as 1973 when commander Jota Jota toured U.S

The intervention songs were in vogue, reason for some rejection by an extract from society, opposed to this movement.

In Cabo Verde, he left his mark performing at the Baia das Gatas and S.Filipe festivals and some cultural centers most emblematic.

From 2011 to 2014, it was difficult for him to overcome the most troubled phase of his life, with the loss of his parents, brother and his wife to whom he dedicates this work.

Unmotivated by the direction the music took, he decided to record solo 34 years later, encouraged by several musicians and particularly Ney Miranda and producer Armando Madeira of Scuta Productions.

This CD a tribute to Talaia Baxu, contains 11 themes, 8 of which are unpublished in a daily invitation and episodes, landmarks other hot topics but not least attractive and the rhapsody with which they must to their fans complete this musical document with the mark of one of the most brilliant voices of Cabo Verde ever.